Stacey Campbell tells the story of how a mouse got loose about her house, and finished up in her jeans. Now Stacy is frightened to death of mice, and this day as she and her husband were driving down the road Stacey discovered this lump in her jeans. When she felt the lump it was soft and furry. It was of course the mouse, and she freaked out. Luckily it was her husband who was driving. “There's a mouse in my pants” screamed Tracey. “I know” her husband responded. But did he know that Tracey had a mouse in her pants, the same way that Tracey knew she had a mouse in her pants? I think not. Tracey knew that she knew, that she knew.
In the same way it is only when we know that we know, that we know that God loves us (in other words that we experience His love in a profound way) that we are changed. Stacey had the kind of knowledge about the mouse that changed her behaviour. So we too need to know that we are loved in this way. When I hear of others who have deep personal encounters with Him, there is something that raises up within me and says “I want that.”
We can have as much of God as we want, the problem many times is that we want other stuff more. I cry out to Him for a closer walk with Him. I tell Him to come to me, no matter what the cost. I tell Him to ignore me when I ask for anything else, when I am distracted by the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life! Change my heart oh God! Then I tell myself. I am beloved of God. I need to keep saying it until I believe it, and then I need to say it because it is true! I am loved by almighty God.
Father bring me to the place where I know, that I know, that I know that I am loved by You. In Jesus name Amen!