Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy

I am rejoicing this morning that the Lord has restored a broken relationship, and I am grateful for the other person’s willingness to persist until we got breakthrough. It is unfortunately very rare. What I don’t think people realize, is that when the Lord restores a relationship, He doesn’t just bring it back to what it was, but He takes it deeper and higher. It does however take two in mutual submission. Pride far too often gets in the way!

I am also rejoicing this morning, because I am seeing this as a kind of a firstfruits of other restorations. A firstfruit is fruit that appears first, shows that the tree is healthy, and so promises more fruit later. The next line to the above quote from Psalm 126:5 says “He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come again with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.”

In broken relationships, we need to be sowing seeds of peace with tears of repentance for our part in what went wrong, in presenting olive branches of love, seeking to understand and being willing to go the second mile. And as we learn to do this, and it is a learning process, then we can be assured of the eventual restoration (bringing his sheaves with him). After all, has not the Lord promised that when our ways please Him, He will make even our enemies to be at peace with us (Proverbs 16:7).

Father, in seeking as much as is possible within us to live at peace with all (Romans 12:18), we are cooperating with You in your ultimate purpose in the fullness of time to unite all things in You (Ephesians 1:10). And when we cooperate with You, life always goes better. Thank You this morning Lord for the joy of restoration. I praise and bless and thank You in Your Holy and precious and lovely Name Amen

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11)

There are many who would scoff at the belief in a personal devil. But it is helpful to me to know that some of the thoughts that alight on my mind do not originate with me. So yes, I do believe in a personal devil, and I am not unaware of his wiles, his craftiness, and his agenda to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10a).

One of his wiles, is to prod us in areas where we are likely to take offence. You have heard the phrase “He knows how to push my buttons.” Well if we humans can figure out which buttons to press in order to stir up anger, bitterness and resentment, he certainly can too. I mean he’s been watching! And some of the things he uses, are our hurts, as well as faults such as pride, obsessive thinking and our propensity to anger. Been there, done that bought the T-shirt!

In fact, we need to learn to be offence proof. The writer to the Hebrews tells us that we need to be careful that we do not fail to obtain the grace that is available to help us deal with these things. He goes on to tell us that when we fail in this way, many are defiled (Hebrews 12:15). I think you know that there is much evidence of this in our world!

Father, it says in Your Word that a person's wisdom makes him slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense (Proverbs 19:11). Yet it seems that more and more the “right” to take offence is promoted as the proper thing to do in our culture. It is present everywhere, even in the church. It is however, one of the devils devices, and it promotes division, defilement and isolation. Forgive me and cleanse me Lord for the times I have succumbed, and help me and all those reading these posts to stand against the propensity to take offence. Thank you Lord that when we submit to You, Your Grace to help is so readily available. And I give You the honour praise and glory again this morning in Jesus Name Amen

Monday, February 26, 2018

But solid food belongs to the mature … those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

The writer to the Hebrews in this quote from Hebrews 5:14 is comparing those who still need the milk of the Word with the mature believer. And part of what he is saying, is that the ability to discern between good and evil is not independent of our behaviour. A similar connection is made between the Greek word for hear which in meaning, is closely related to obedience.

This in turn, is closely related to our tendency to rationalize. It has been said for example, that if we want to do something, then we will find a thousand reasons to do it. On the other hand if we don’t want to do the very same thing, then we will likely find a thousand reasons not to do it. Another way to put this, is to say all this is that our behaviour, our choices, affect our understanding. In particular, it affects our values and our understanding of what is right and wrong.

Jordan Peterson, who is an interesting Canadian psychology professor, says that if you want your life to be better, then the way to start, is to stop doing the things that you know are wrong, and to start doing the things that you know are right. He’s not saying we need to conform to somebody else’s value system, he is saying that we need to conform to our own!

Father, You have rightly told us in Your Word, that our hearts, the seat of the will and the emotion, are extremely deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9). And so again this morning Lord, I ask you to search my heart to see there be any wicked way within me, and I ask You to lead me in the paths of life (Psalm 139:24) in Jesus Name Amen

Sunday, February 25, 2018

My word will not return to Me void

I am very aware this morning that there are many who, in arrogant, hateful and self-righteous ways claim to speak for God, but clearly do not. And the last thing I want this morning is to be identified with such. There are however, times and ways that we do need to speak up. And I suspected that sometimes when we should have spoken up but did not, was because we have confused timidity and humility. Jesus was the most humble man who ever walked this earth, yet He could describe the Pharisees as hypocrites!

I’m not suggesting we should go around calling people hypocrites, and I have been struggling for some time to discern exactly how and when and where the Lord would have me speak up, particularly on the issues of our day. There have certainly been times when my anger or frustration have crept into the way that I address issues. And it is in fear and trembling, knowing well my weaknesses, that I bring up the issue of when and how to speak up. It’s not always well received even when done well! But as someone said “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing!”

An issue that is uppermost on my mind this morning, is the radical sex Ed that is being introduced in Ontario, and likely to spread. One of the underlying ideas that is been foisted on children earlier and earlier, is that there is essentially no link between biological identity, and gender identity. So for example, if you are biologically a boy, then there is absolutely no connection between this and whether you identity as male or female. And whether you think of gender dysphoria as pathological or not, what is clear to me, is that talking about this at such an early age, is very likely to do more harm than good.

Father, I am aware this morning, that just as You call us to be in Your hands and feet, so at times you call us to be Your mouth. In fact You call us ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20). Please forgive me for the times my tongue has not represented You well. So again this morning Lord I asked for serenity to keep my mouth shut when I should, courage to speak Your Word when You are asking me to, and the wisdom for the what and the how of what to speak, and the grace to speak it in a way that brings honour and glory to Your name. I am not responsible for the response when I do this Your way. And I thank you this morning Lord for your promise that when I do it this way, then it is indeed Your Word, and it will not return to You void, but will accomplish what You desire, and achieve the purpose for which You sent it (Isaiah 55:11). Help me to rest in this Lord, in Jesus Name Amen

Saturday, February 24, 2018

They hurt his feet with fetters, …. Until the time that His word came to pass

The Lord never promised that life would be easy. And it’s just as well, because it’s not! We are after all, in a war to the death with the enemy of our souls. And our enemy uses those who either don’t know the Lord, or those who do but are not fully committed to Him. And even that is not quite accurate, because the Evil one has this incredible ability to deceive us and then to use us, especially when we are hurt. People who are hurt inevitably finish up hurting others!

The quote this morning from Psalm 105:18, 19 is referring to the trials that Joseph had to go through as he waited for the Lord to do what He said he would do. And I often identify with Joseph in his trials, though I am not pretending that what I go through is equivalent to what he had to go through. I am however, challenged by his steadfastness in the face of trials.

So in my quiet time this morning, the Lord for the umpteenth time was telling me not to fret, because it only leads to harm (Psalm 37:8). And part of the harm that fret or worry causes, is that when our focuses is on anything but Him, then we miss out on opportunity, and on life and health and peace.

Father, once again this morning I cast all my cares, concerns and worries upon You (1 Peter 5:7). I symbolically stretch out my hands, place each and every concern on them, lift them to You, then take my hands off. And whenever I am tempted to take them back, I again symbolically lift off my hands. Thank you Lord that You help me even in this and I give You all the honour, glory and praise again this morning in Jesus Name Amen

Friday, February 23, 2018

nations who do not know you shall run to you (Isaiah 55:5)

There are a number of places in the Old Testament where we get glimpses of the gospel that would be preached when Jesus came. And this is one of them. Isaiah had been talking about the covenant of mercy that God had made with David after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba and then essentially murdered her husband in an attempt to cover it up. When David came broken hearted in repentance to the Lord and was restored, he could declare “Blessed is the man who sin the Lord does not count against him” (Psalm 32:2).

And Isaiah is calling Israel, and hence us in a New Testament application, to the same type of repentance David had been called to. And what is being said here, is that the perfume of a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 51:17) is a powerful witness to the tender mercies of God (Psalm 51:13; Isaiah 55:4).

And this is part of the upside down kingdom. We tend to think that people will be helped by our strengths. But the Lord is saying here, that a more powerful witness is the joy and gladness (Psalm 51:8, 12) of the restoration of one who has utterly failed. Part of this, is that in our strength, people are likely to say “I could never be like you!” But in our weakness, people can say. “Well if God can forgive you and restore you after what you have done, then surely God can also forgive and restore me!”

Father, I thank you that the New Covenant of Your tender mercies is available to all who turn to You in repentance. I thank You again this morning Lord for Your extravagant forgiveness when I have turned to You in repentance. It is my desire Father, that my life be a fragrance of life leading to life (2 Corinthians 2:16), so that people will run to me to figure out what it is in me (Your Spirit) that makes me different. Let it be Lord in Jesus Name Amen

Thursday, February 22, 2018

That in all things He might have the preeminence

One of the reasons why the superhero Marvel movies are so popular, is that deep down we all love a hero, and in the movies, as opposed to a life, everything is black-and-white. I mean there are only two categories, the good guys, and the bad guys. And if we are to identify with one or the other of those groups, more often than not we identify ourselves as the good guys!

The reality is somewhat different, in reality we are all admixture of the good guys and the bad guys. And if you have yet seen that, dare I say, you have not even started to on the road to wisdom. The Scriptures say that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). And when we do not fear the Lord what likely has happened, is that we have suppressed the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18).

We love to see our superheroes conquer, be it our favourite hockey team, our political party etc. etc. But the biggest superhero of them all, is the One who rescues us from ourselves. And on that day, there will be one long victory parade giving the preeminence to He who, through His blood, has purchased our redemption out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation (Revelation 5:9).

Father, too often we see ourselves as the good guys in the battles of life. But there was only one good guy, and we crucified Him! Thank You Father that You opened my eyes to see that I needed to be rescued from myself. On that day Lord, it will be clear to all that You do indeed have the preeminence, superiority and hero status in all things (Colossians 1:18). And one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord the glory of God (Romans 14:11). And I know Lord that it means so much more to You that we bow now voluntarily. And my prayer, is that my life reflect the hope, joy and peace that my reconciliation with You has brought, and through that reflection many will see and fear put their trust in You in Jesus Name Amen

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

a servant of the Lord must ….. be gentle … forbearing

In this quote from 2 Timothy 2:24, Paul is talking about how to deal with others with whom we are in disagreement. In this context to forbear, is to be patient or self-controlled when subject to annoyance or provocation. The NLT talks about being patient with difficult people, but who’s not difficult at times? I certainly can’t exclude myself!

We used to talk about “Grace builders,” you know those people God allows in your life who test your patience, and at times seemed to deliberately go out of their way to annoy you. These are the people that God uses to build grace, patience, endurance and the like. They test your humility, and at times like this you can feel as if you’re in the first grade in the school of maturity. Well do you know something? I have come to the conclusion this morning, that I have not arrived. Surprise!

I have also come to the conclusion, that I am a Grace builder in other people’s lives. The Bible puts it this way, “As iron sharpens iron, so man sharpens man” (Proverbs 27:17). But this only works if, when we are at loggerheads with each other, we push through, submit to each other and allow God’s patience, grace and love to flow out to each other. And when we do this, we both win. Otherwise we both lose and the evil one wins!

Father, Hebrews 12:15 admonishes us not to fail to obtain Your grace in our dealings with each other. Since in many things we all fail (James 3:2), then we are many times in need of your grace. But your purpose in allowing these things, is that by obtaining your grace, we should shine as diamonds, as lights in this wicked and hurting world. And just as a chain is as strong as its weakest link, so it is in the situations being described here this morning, that we either shine or don’t shine. We need your help here Lord, I need your help and your grace and Your mercy in Jesus Name Amen

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

That you may be filled with all the fullness of God

The picture I have of this springs from something Bill Johnson said. When we walk into a room the atmosphere changes because the Spirit that is in us, is now in the room. My sense is that the change is directly proportional to the fullness of God that resides in us.

And my sense of how much His fullness resides in us is related to how much we are seeking the light, responding to the light and abiding in the light. We can also think of this as seeking, responding and abiding in the Truth and/or Him. What is important here, is not so much where we are at on the maturity scale, but rather the consistent direction in which we are moving. In particular, no matter have badly we have failed, we can start over by absolute surrender (Romans 12:1) and in this way not only bring honour, glory and praise to His name, but also start to live life in all its fullness (John 10:10b). You see man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).

So if you are feeling that you have a long way to go this morning, be encouraged, you have the ability start to be be filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19) right now by, with His help, starting to move, or continuing to move in the direction of a godly walk. And it is here that those of us who have been on the road for a long while need to be careful that we do not rest on our laurels (the one who sits on his laurels is wearing them in the wrong place!)

Father, I thank You this morning that I can have the living daylights challenged out of me by those who are young (babes) in Christ, or by those who freshly surrender again to You. And Lord let me this morning with Paul be among those who forget those things that are behind, both good and bad, and press toward the goal for the prize of Your upward call in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13, 14). In Jesus Name Amen

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth

What goes on at our “worship services,” is not always worship. Worship is much more and singing hymns or worship songs. In the passage referred to above from John 4:23, 24, we are being told that true worship is both in spirit, and in truth. But what does this mean?

In church yesterday, as the time came for the worship team to step down, I really did not want it to end. A line from an ancient hymn came to mind “lost in wonder, love and praise.” And at the very least, my heart, my mind and my emotions were being stirred as we came before the throne of grace. So what I am saying, is that “in spirit” has at the very least, to mean that worship should be with body, mind, soul and spirit.

On the other hand, the NIV version of Romans 12:1 has it that the presentation of our bodies as living sacrifices, is our spiritual act of worship. So then, to worship in truth while it certainly includes correct theology, also involves living sacrificially for Him. And the Father we are told, is looking, searching, desiring for each and every one of us to give Him this multifaceted kind of worship. And if yesterday is anything to go by, and I believe it is, then this it is ultimately what will bring love, hope, joy and satisfaction.

Father, I believe that you are seeking for me and any brother or sister who will seek You and respond to You in these ways. But I also know that is not all up to us, because You are drawing each and every one of us to Yourself with cords of love. Lord open my eyes this morning to anything that would hinder my worshiping You in spirit and in truth in Jesus Name Amen

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The peace that passes understanding

I woke this morning at peace in spite of a number of niggardly things that one time I would have allowed to get under my skin. These things include unresolved relationship difficulties; health concerns (unexplained dizzy spells); a leaking roof whose repair has been delayed by months both the weather, and by broken promises from tradesmen; the annoying mistake I made yesterday that resulted in my ripping the fender off my car etc., etc. And I was caused to marvel again at the change He has made in me, and as I thank Him for the change, I am wanting to pass on the availability of His peace to others. And so I asked Him what was my part in Him giving me the peace that passes all understanding. I mean I just don’t understand it, but then I don’t need to, I just need to receive it!

So in receiving His answer to my question, a flood of verses came to mind. One of them is “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind it’s fixed steadfastly on You, because He trusts in You” (Isaiah 26:3). Another is “ Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you“ (1 Peter 5:7). And part of what enables me to give Him my cares and not immediately take them back, is to look back on the way that He has helped me through similar trials in the past. He has faithfully repaired relationships, helped me deal with an infestation of bed bugs, brought me through a bout of aggressive prostrate cancer etc., etc.

And in remembering these things, I am reminded to thank Him, and in doing so reminded too, that this is one of a list of things I am commanded to do in Philippians 4:4 – 7. I learned these verses by heart years ago, and when I do not have the peace that passes understanding promised in verse 7, I work the passage. So for example I am told twice to rejoice in verse 4. And if I’m not rejoicing then I need to repent. I’m told to be anxious for nothing in verse 6. And if I am anxious I need to repent, and replace my anxiety by thankfulness and prayer (verse 6). And as I do these things, the peace starts to return. But I may have to work this passage several times before I come into that level of peace that does indeed pass all understanding.

Father, I thank You this morning for Your promise that as I continue to immerse myself in Your Word, then I will experience Your truth, and Your truth will progressively set me free (John 8:31). Thank You again for Your faithfulness Lord, and I pray for those struggling this morning, that by Your grace and through Your Word they may enter into Your amazing extravagant life giving peace. And I give You all the glory in Jesus Name Amen

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Live and let live? I can only change me II

There is a reason, that I could not find a specific verse to backup the phrase “I am the only one I can change.” Because, while we do need to stop trying to control others, this does not mean that we do not have responsibility for our brothers and sisters. Paul, for example, gives us instructions about what to do and how to do it, when someone is overtaken in a fault (Galatians 6:1). And in the illustration of the plank in your eye and the speck of dust in the other person’s eye (Matthew 7:3-5), we are told first to remove the plank from our own eye, since then, and only then will we see clearly to remove the speck of dust from the other persons eye. Note that we are not told not to remove the speck of dust!

The world I think, it has massively misunderstood the biblical admonition "Judge not lest you also be judged" (Matthew 7:1). What I understand the Lord to be condemning here, is the self righteous judgemental attitude as displayed, for example, by the Pharisee who self righteously thanked God that he was not like the nearby tax collector (Luke 18:11). But we cannot obey the admonitions given in the first paragraph, unless we discern right from wrong. So it is helpful I think, to distinguish between judging and discerning. In fact the Scripture tells us to expose evil (Ephesians 5:11), and we cannot do that unless we discern that something is wrong!

I am wrestling this morning with how to think, and so ultimately how to respond to the tyranny of political correctness. It seems to me that what is happening here, is that marginalized and abused groups are being used to bully us into silence in the service of politically motivated social engineering. The groups being used in this way do indeed have genuine complaints, and attitudes need to change and the abuse needs to stop. But what seems to be happening, is that any disagreement is attacked as being hateful and/or fearful. Well certainly there is hate, and there is fear, and that is a big part of the abuse. But those of us who with compassion (see the prayer) nevertheless disagree, are being falsely identified with the abusers!

Father, one of the reasons You admonish us to go to one who is overtaken in a fault, is that choices have consequences, and choices that go against Your principles have negative consequences. I understand therefore, that the admonition is given because of Your compassion. I also understand Lord that You want to free us from our often self-imposed prisons which are the consequences of our choices. So again this morning Lord, I am asking You for wisdom, courage and serenity to know when to speak, when to be silent, and how and what to speak when You want me to. But also Lord when Your compassion rises up in me and at the same time you are asking me to leave it with You, then I need Your serenity. I know at such times that You want me to pray, but at such times I cry out with Paul “Who is sufficient for these things” (2 Corinthians 2:16)? Lord have mercy on us all in Jesus Name Amen

Friday, February 16, 2018

I am the only one I can change I

I am wondering how many arguments would be avoided, how much tension dissipated, how many marriages would be saved if we only took the attitude expressed in the title of this morning’s post. I don’t have an explicit verse to persuade you of the truth of the statement, but I do have a verse that counters the attitude that so often lies behind our attempts to change others. It is “In humility, let each one consider others better than themselves” (Philippians 2:3).

I’m not suggesting that others don’t need to be changed, but as I keep pointing out it’s so much easier to see the other person’s fault, than it is to see our own. And what we don’t realize, is that many times the other person is reacting to our faults. And when this is the case, and I deal with mine, then the grounds for their reaction is removed.

The key thing here, is humility! So many things flow out of its lack in a person. In particular, too often when we are attempting to change another person, we are by our actions saying I know best what needs to be changed, and how to affect that change. It is likely by nagging, and it is far too easily self-righteous nagging! So one of the things we need to ask ourselves is “Do I like to be nagged?” And if not, we need to cease and desist nagging others.

Father, whether the statement at the head of this post is true or not, my own experience of trying to change others has too often backfired. And since I have not yet arrived in terms of humility, I am asking you this morning to help me with this. There is a sense in which I cannot even change myself, but I do know that when I bring these things to You, and cooperate with You, then somehow working together the changes start to come. Thank You Lord, that though You are persistent, You are merciful and gentle and do not nag! Thank You Lord, that even with all my faults, I am nevertheless accepted in the Beloved (Ephesians 1:6 NKJV) in Jesus Name Amen

Thursday, February 15, 2018

If you bring your gift to the altar and there remember somebody has something against you… go and be reconciled

Nobody is perfect, not you, not me (Romans 3:23), well Jesus of course! What this means is that there is no perfect fellowship, no perfect church. And if you find one come and tell me, and the two of us will go and it won’t anymore be perfect because you and I will be there! And just in case you are wondering, I do include myself in the above Romans reference.

We are discussing, in the fellowship, what it means to be filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19). And what this and our imperfections mean for the fellowship, is that we need to be kind and compassionate one to another, forgiving one another just as Christ has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32).

It would be easier, if we were all fully mature, and were less wounded. I have often used the illustration that if you have a sore thumb, and somebody brushes up against it, your reaction is likely to be stronger than if it was not sore. But we are admonished to go out of our way to foster and maintain the unity, the shalom peace of our relationships (Ephesians 4:1-3). But whose responsibility is it to sort it out? Well, Jesus tells us in the Scripture at the head of this post that if somebody has something against you, you need to go and be reconciled (Matthew 5:23), but He also tells us in Matthew 18:15, that if it’s the other person’s fault then we also need to go. So in either case you and I need to be the initiator in reconciliation.

Father, this can get really messy, because in our woundedness we blame others when it’s our fault, and we get blamed when is the other person’s fault. And I for one can easily overreact! In trying to sort this out we often need peacemakers, but then they can get sat on from both sides. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt! No wonder You say Blessed are the peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). Thank you Lord that You have promised to be present and to give us Your grace when we come together in You in humility. And I give You all the honour and all the glory and all the praise again this morning in Jesus Name Amen

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you

Valentine’s Day is likely one of two things for you, a time of great joy or a time of great pain. The pain may be through loneliness or bereavement, or a relationship gone wrong. And when love goes wrong, it too easily turns to hate as bitterness and resentment creep in. But bitterness and resentment are poison, not only for the biter one, but also for those he or she does love. But either way, whether it be a time of joy or pain, the challenge this morning, is to choose to allow the occasion to take love to a higher level.

I like to think of every circumstance in life as a crossroads. In fact, whatever the circumstance, either consciously or unconsciously, we choose to allow it to draw us nearer to God, or to push Him away. Since truly love is what makes the world go round, and what we ultimately crave, it is wise, if not always easy, to choose to draw close to the One who’s very essence is love (1 John 4:8). In fact we love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19), and it is my prayer and desire that I be rooted and grounded in His extravagant healing love.

In Matthew’s version of the quote from Luke 6:27, Jesus tells us to pray for our enemies. And He never it commands us to do something He Himself has not done only in greater measure. As they drive cruel spike through His hands and His feet He prays “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34 ). I need His help to even begin to follow this kind of example and to love like this, but with His help all things are possible, and His ways are the ways of life.

Father, I pray this morning for everyone reading this blog. For those for whom it is a day of joy, I pray that You would deepen their joy and their love. For the lonely please bring them love and companionship, for those suffering bereavement I ask You, the God of all comfort to bring Your comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3), and for those whose relationship has gone, or is going, wrong I ask for grace and mercy to help them and me to choose to love even those who have hurt us the most. I know that this is Your way, and Your ways are always best in Jesus Name Amen.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

I have met the enemy, and he is me!

I have often thought that the person I would have the most trouble with, would be a clone of myself coming down the street the other way! Perhaps it’s the same with you? It’s very easy to be blind to our own faults, but to have 20/20 vision with respect to the faults of others. In fact I am fully convinced that you and I are our own worst enemy! It seems to me, that understanding this is the beginning of self-awareness!

In Romans 2:1 Paul tells us “Whoever you are who judge …. you condemn yourself; for you who judge do the same things.” This doing what we judge, was first brought home to me years ago taking a young lady home from our fellowship. She talked incessantly, hardly stopping to take a breath, and on this particular day she was telling me that she could not stand search and such a brother. Upon inquiring what it was that bugged her, she told me that he talked too much! Similarly, it’s not that long ago the Lord convicted me of judging those who judge. You know those blankety a blank judgemental people, and without realizing it, I had become one of them!

Furthermore, the Lord convicted me this morning that I had overreacted to a certain situation, and He did this while I was thinking about an overreaction in a different situation. For some reason, I suddenly became more sympathetic to the other person’s overreaction!

Father, I am starting to believe that at some level being blind to our own faults, but having 20/20 vision with respect to others faults, is universal. So I ask You first of all this morning Lord, to search me to see if there be any wicked way within me, and secondly to lead me in Your everlasting way (Psalm 139: 24). And Lord, thank You for Your mercy, forgiveness and cleansing as I confess these things, in Jesus Name Amen

Monday, February 12, 2018

… But let patience have its perfect work

"I just want the pain to stop!" I can relate, I mean who likes pain? But the Lord keeps bringing me back to the verse in Hebrews 12:2 which says of Jesus “Who for the joy that was set before him enjoyed the cross despising the shame.” And what He has taught me through this verse is that pain is a barrier the other side of which is joy. And what we need to do is, with His help, to push through the pain to joy.

In the context of this quote from James 1:4 James is telling his that God uses the trials to build patience, or more literally the ability to stand up under trial. And the thought came to me this morning, that this is a little bit like building muscle through exercise. We will not build muscle if we do not push through the pain, past the point where it is easy. And if you give up too soon, you will not build muscle.

In another part of the context of this verse from James we are told that in the midst of the trial our faith is been tested (verse 3). And there is a real sense in which faith is a like a muscle that gets strengthened as we cooperate with God in and through the trials. So then, in the midst of the pain we need to ask God for His strength and Grace to endure and push through to joy.

Father, You are the Potter we are the clay. Too often we try to climb off Your potters wheel during the process where You are seeking to mould us into Your image. We need Your grace, I need Your grace, to let endurance have its perfect work so that we (I) may bring honour and glory and praise to You. I ask You for it this morning Father, for myself and for all those reading these posts. In Jesus Name Amen

Sunday, February 11, 2018

I poured out my complaint to the Lord

I remember a line from a song I heard when I was a boy, “Don’t tell me your troubles, I got troubles of my own.” Not particularly full of compassion, but the truth is that when we are deeply hurting, we have enough trouble dealing with our own hurts. On the other hand, the Scripture tells us to bear one another’s burdens, but it also tells us that each one should carry his or her own load (Galatians 6:2,5).

As a now ordained pastor, part of my job is to direct a person with difficulties to the Lord (Psalm 142:2). After all, ultimately He is the only one capable of helping us deal with our problems. So part of my job is often initially at least, to be a channel for that person through which they can pour out their complaints to the Lord. Another part is to help them to cut me, as the middleman, out of the equation and go directly to Him. And part of the problem here, it is to know when to start to move this process forward, and when to just listen.

To say little bit more, the load referred to in Galatians 6: 5, is something the person it is capable of carrying. On the other hand the burden in verse 2, is something that is too heavy for the person to bear alone. The difficulty comes when you think it’s a load they need to carry, but they think it’s a burden you should bear for them.

Father, these things are messy. When you are hurting, it’s very natural to blame others. Ultimately You are the one only one who can bear all the burdens of the world. Now You have made us to need each other, but it is not Your intention that we become overly dependent on each other. So again this morning I am asking for the serenity do not second-guess myself when I am expected by others so do more for them than I think You are calling me to. I need both the serenity and the courage to stand firm when this happens, and I need the wisdom to know the difference. Since most of the time I lack wisdom, I ask You to give it to me this morning, in fact day by day in Jesus Name Amen.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Your gentleness has made me great (Psalm 18:35)

I never used to like myself very much, and though I am not ready to call myself great, I am ready to give Him the credit for bringing me from where I was, to where I am today. And I owe it all to His gentleness, His love and His mercy and His grace. Please don’t get me wrong, I am far from perfect, but I do like what He is doing in my life, the changes He is making.

One of the difficulties I had when I first became a Christian, was that when I connected with people with problems, I tended to take them on, and it tended to drag me down. It’s a bit like seeing somebody in a deep pit with un-scalable sides, and you jump down into the pit with them, in a futile attempt to help. It was a big problem, and one I still wrestle with. And I believe it is the main reason why the fellowship He uses me to run was so small for so very long. But He is gently and patiently stretching me, as the fellowship slowly grows!

So what is the point of me telling you all this? Well it would’ve been very easy to give up on ministry, concluding I wasn’t cut out for it. But at some level we are all called to minister, to love, to come alongside those who are hurting, and most of us feel inadequate. But our God is patient, and gentle and is far more committed to our growth than we are, and He has plans for us and wants in His gentle way to make us great for the kingdom. There is nothing more fulfilling than being used of Him!

Father, thank You for rescuing me from my self absorption, thank You for your patience with me. And Lord, when I am tempted to be impatient with others, please remind me how long it took You to bring me out of my own desolate pit. Thank You that Your work in us it is always to strengthen, establish and lift us up, and to use us to minister, many times, to the very same hurts and difficulties You delivered us from. In Jesus Name Amen

Friday, February 9, 2018

Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart

I am remembering this morning a little old lady friend of mine, who has now gone to be with the Lord. What she said to me in her very British accent was “The trouble with God, is He has no sense of time.” I had been complaining, that the Lord was taking forever to come through for me in a promise that He had made. That was years ago, and I am still waiting!

The verse before the one quoted above from Psalm 27:14, says “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living.” in other words His promises are not just for what happens after we die, He also has promises for the here and now. The verse in the title of this post tells us a major reason for the delay. He wants to use the time to strengthen our hearts. It’s not automatic, we need to “be of good courage,” that is we need to take heart, believe that we will see His goodness in the here and now, and in the meantime to be faithful and submit to His refining process.

I have come to realize in my own life, and I have seen it over and over in the lives of others, that if He gives us too much too soon, then we are likely to quickly and foolishly return to our old lives. In other words we prove the truth of the proverb “As a dog returns to his own vomit, So a fool repeats his folly” (Proverbs 26:11).

Father, it seems very often that it takes more than one lesson from the school of hard knocks for the lesson to stick. I saw this in my own life and I have seen it over and over in ministry. Too easily the honeymoon of our reconciliation with You fades, and the old temptations creep up on us, and we fall. But I thank You this morning Father, that You have promised that if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and You are faithful and Just to cleans us from the vomit to which we have returned (1 John 1:9). Let us not take this for granted Lord, because this was only made possible at incredible cost to Your Son on the cross. But also though You cleanse us, You do not always rescue us from the consequences of our foolishness! And I thank You even for that this morning Lord, in Jesus Name Amen.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

The prodigal father’s heart

I am of course referring to the story of the prodigal son, where the father gave the younger son his full inheritance before he even died (Luke 15:11-32). The NKJV phrase “prodigal living, is rendered in the NIV “squandered his wealth in wild living.” So the meaning of the word prodigal is reckless, wastefully, extravagant. The word in the title of Tim Keller's book the prodigal God, refers to the reckless extravagant love of the Father. In a way, the father was, in love, giving his son over the idol of his heart which was money!

I remember a preacher years ago preaching that he did not think the father should have given his son the inheritance. But it’s very clear to me that the father would not have won his son back had he not done so. The father comes against the covetousness of the son in the opposite spirit, in the spirit of reckless generosity. And in doing so he wins his son back, “he who was lost, is found” (Luke 15:32).

The process of letting go can be very difficult. In our interactions with each other, we will likely encounter emotional blackmail, manipulation, punishing silences, overreactions and the like. We do not know if the younger son had employed any or all of these devices, but we do know how the father reacted to both of his sons. With both of them, he goes the second mile, and then leaves the world to unfold. Sometimes in our interactions with others, the other party is either not ready or not willing to do his or her part in making the relationship work. And so there are times, that we too need to let go and let the world unfold.

Father, I’m sure there are times we need to run after the other person, but far too often this can lead to codependent relationships. We need to know when to let go, and we need to know when to go the second mile. And when we need to let go, we need Your serenity to settle our emotions, so that we do not become a basket case. I am certainly talking about myself here. So once again Father I am asking this morning for serenity, courage, wisdom and Grace as I stand prayerfully watching and hoping, like the prodigal father, and waiting for the world to unfold. I praise you Lord this morning in Jesus Name Amen

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

In the midst of various trials, count it all joy

Being part of the leadership team in studying James in the penitentiary yesterday, we were teaching that problems are inevitable, they are unpredictable, they come in all shapes and sizes, and God has a purpose in allowing them. In particular, they come to test our faith and to train us to be overcomers, and in this way glorify Him. And as usual, when I teach something inevitably before too long, I find myself being tested on what I taught!

In this teaching from James 1:2- 8, we are admonished in the trial, to count it all joy. This is not to count it all joy for the trial, but rather in the trial. And this morning the Lord is asking me if I will rejoice in Him as He allows me to be stretched beyond my comfort zone. Ministry can be messy, but as the Scripture says where there are all no oxen, the stalls are clean (Proverbs 14:4)!

And so I have a choice this morning. Will I choose to rejoice that there are oxen, and that I have the privilege of being part of a messy ministry? Or will I allow these things to trip me up? Well when it’s put this way (when He puts it this way as He puts these words into my craw as I blog), it would be silly to do anything other than obey. And as I choose to obey, He is reminding me that He never gives a command that with the command He does not also give the wherewithal, the Grace, to do it!

Father, I choose to greatly rejoice in You this morning (Isaiah 61:10). When I can see nothing else in which to rejoice, I can still rejoice that You have clothed me with the garments of salvation, that my name is written in the Lamb’s book of life, and that You have promised rewards as I choose by Your grace to endure this “light momentary affliction” (2 Corinthians 4:17). You are amazing Lord! You are the one who gives me the strength, hope and desire to do Your will, and then when I do it You turn around and reward me for doing it! I love you this morning Lord, well actually every morning! In Jesus Name Amen

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

They looked to Him and were radiant, And their faces were not ashamed (Psalm 34:5)

Shame: If anyone ever found out about it, I would die! It is likely that our faces reveal much more than we want them to. This is more obvious at times than others. For someone with eyes to see, deep pain be it physical or emotional, can be clearly seen on the face. We know this at some level, and many times and in many ways we deal with our pain and our shame by wearing masks. But when we do, our faces will not be radiant.

Shame is a very powerful emotion, and the desire not be exposed can lead us into isolation from both God and man. Shame is magnified by the darkness, but diminishes in His light. Shame comes in many forms, it can come from something we have done, something done to us, and or from a lack of self-worth. But wherever it comes from, the first step in healing, in being released from it, it is to bring it to the One who bore our shame for us on the cross (Hebrews 12:2). Crucifixes depicting a loincloth around His waist do not do justice to the shame He bore. In addition to the shame and pain of crucifixion, He was humiliated by being publicly stripped naked!

In James 5:16 we are told to confess one to another, and to pray for one another so that we might be healed. And I want to say this morning that I have witnessed the truth of this over and over. One of the things that we do at times in our fellowship, is to gather around one who is hurting, lay hands on them and pray. And time after time we see a significant difference in that person’s countenance. And more often than not it can be described as radiant.

Father, the verse comes to mind “we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18). There is something so very freeing about transparency (unveiled face). And it starts Lord with looking to You. In order to do this Father we need to be honest with ourselves, with You and with others. It can be scary Lord, but the rewards are worth it. Help us Lord in Jesus Name Amen

Monday, February 5, 2018

As long as we both shall love. Not!

With the divorce rate skyrocketing both inside and outside of the church, our society more and more is dispensing with marriage, choosing simply to live together. But if I am remembering the statistics correctly, the breakup rate of couples cohabiting is even higher than the divorce rate. And I think that part of it, is that there’s something about making a public vow “As long as we both shall live.” So perhaps after such a vow we try harder? Even so, more and more the vow is in effect, becoming “As long as we both shall love!”

I mean when feelings have died, what else can you do? Well especially for the Christian with the resources of heaven at their disposal, a great deal. Please do not misunderstand me here, I am not suggesting that we should stay together in abusive relationships. What I am saying is that the death of our feelings should not be the end. The point is that love is much more than feeling. After all we are commanded to love each other, and the greatest command is to love God with all our heart mind soul and strength. So when love dies, what does He want us to do? Well if we are commanded to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44), then surely part of that is to choose to love our partner!

“But I don’t love him or her,” you may be tempted to respond. So? I am commanded to love, so I need to choose to love. And part of what that means is that I need to act in love independently of how I feel. Especially for the Christian, the will is intended to be the locomotive of the train that drives our decisions. Too often it is the feelings that drive our decisions, but the feelings should be the caboose, not the engine. The point is that when the will drives the decisions, the feelings, the caboose, follow along afterwards! Because our God is the God of resurrection, feeling of love that have died will be resurrected as (i.e. process) we continue to choose to obey!

Father, as You well know there is no judgement here. I have utterly failed twice in this area, and in this, as well as every other area, I am in absolutely no position to judge anybody. But when we have failed as I have, there is mercy, and your blood Lord Jesus Christ covers everything. Nevertheless, there are consequences to our decisions, and our children (the innocent ones) are they who suffer the most. But Lord I stand in the gap this morning for my family and others and declare that this generational dysfunction stops here. And I claim the promise of steadfast love and mercy to thousands of generations that follow, as I choose to love You and obey Your commandments (Exodus 20:5,6 NKJV) in Jesus name amen

Sunday, February 4, 2018

As much as is possible with you, live at peace with all men (Romans 12:18)

Relationships are one of the hardest, if not the hardest thing in life. Part of the problem, is that I cannot control the reaction or the response of others. In particular, we cannot make up in a relationship, for what the other person is either unable or unwilling to give. And sometimes it’s not safe to try to reconnect, for example when there is the ongoing possibility of abuse. But we do need to realize, that living at peace with others, and seeking to reconcile broken relationships, is at the heart of our reconciling God (Ephesians 1:10).

We see this perhaps most clearly in the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). Witness the longing of the father as he sees his son coming home from afar. So he must have been looking out for him day after day, month after month possibly year after year. Witness also, his attempt to reconcile the older and the younger sons. The father goes the proverbial second mile with both of his sons. But he doesn’t try to force reconciliation. He goes the second mile and then he waits.

The Lord has promised, that when our ways please Him, He will make even our enemies to be at peace with us (Proverbs 16:7). I have seen this promise fulfilled at least two times in my career, as I had offended two colleagues on two separate occasions. In both cases it took years, but the Lord is faithful, and this gives me hope for full reconciliation in other relationships for which I am still in the waiting period.

Father, I need to know when I have done all that is within me in this process of seeking to make peace. In the past I have operated out of peace at any price, but the resulting cessation of hostilities was not the shalom peace You speak of in Your Word. But I also know, that You have purpose in the waiting period, and my part is to seek to please You in all my ways. In this as in all things, I need You. Thank You Lord for my reconciliation with You, thank You that I never need to fear Your rejection. And I give You all the honour, glory and praise again this morning in Jesus Name Amen

Saturday, February 3, 2018

When I am weak that I am strong

It’s really no wonder that the world thinks some of the things that we say are crazy. But that’s because they have no assurance that God is a very present help in times of need (Psalm 46:1). And if that's not true, then the principle at the head of this post from 2 Corinthians 12:10 is nonsense! But I like to illustrate it by reference to the promise “If anyone lack wisdom let him ask of God who gives liberally to all, and it will be given” (James 1:5). The point is that when we come to God in humility acknowledging that we lack wisdom, and then ask Him for it, then It God gives us that wisdom. So we might say when I am not wise, then I am wise!

It’s the same thing with the principal Paul is elucidating. In fact Paul had prayed three times for his thorn in the flesh to be taken away, and the Lord had essentially told him that he was able to take on God’s strength precisely when he came to the end of his own strength (2 Corinthians 12:8.9). What I want to say here, is that many, many Christians have never come to the end of their own strength. As a result that is all they have! And when all we have is only our own natural strengths and abilities, then as Paul puts it “Are we not mere men” (1 Corinthians 3:3)?

It seems that all too often we are willing to settle for a Christian life that operates only out of our own natural strengths and abilities. But like Paul, I had to come to the end of myself. It was a crisis point. I was either going to die, or to start to learn to walk in His strength, His wisdom, and His Grace. And in many ways I’m still a beginner at it! However, although I may not yet be all that He is calling me to be, I thank God I am not what I once was Hallelujah!

Father, it is my earnest desire, that Your life in me may more and more point to You. It is tempting to compare myself with those who are ahead of me, but we are foolish Lord when we compare ourselves with ourselves (2 Corinthians 10:12). Man looks at the outward appearance, but You look at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). And what I’m understanding here Father, is that it’s not so much where we are at in our level of maturity, but it is the direction that, by Your Spirit, we are moving. It has been said that growth is the only sign of life, and I am determined to have all that You have for me. I am not willing to settle for anything less in Your precious Name Amen

Friday, February 2, 2018

The thief comes for no other reason but to steal, kill and destroy. But…

If a rich relative left you a couple of hundred thousand dollars in his will, and other relatives were trying to take that from you, how stubborn would you be in pursuing what you were promised? The reason I ask, is that every believer is promised an inheritance not only in the hereafter, but also in the here and now as well. In the last sentence of the above quote from John 10:10 Jesus states “But I am come that you might have life in all its fullness.” Let me ask “Are you currently experiencing life in all its fullness?” If not you have allowed the thief to kill, steal and destroy in your life! And I suppose to some extent, we have all done this!

But let me ask again how stubborn would you be, and what setbacks would you allow to deflect you from pursuing your right to the money? The Scripture tells us that one of the reasons we do not enter into our promised inheritance, is unbelief (Hebrews 3:19). But without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6), and every setback in life is a crossroad that has the power to either cause us to give up, or to press in, and accordingly faith either diminishes or it grows.

I am not saying it is easy, because it’s not! We have to choose to believe especially when we do not see, or the answer is long delayed. The Scripture says of Abraham that even when there was no reason for hope, he kept hoping—believing.. (Romans 4:18 NLT). I have often prayed “I believe, help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24).

Jesus, in the parable of the Pearl of great Price, the merchant sold everything he had in order to buy it. And we will not reach fullness of life unless we give You absolutely everything. You told Abraham all those years ago that You are his exceedingly great reward (Genesis 15:1), and You are mine too! Lord please help me by Your Spirit to put to death anything that would hinder my wholeheartedly chasing after You. I know You well enough at this point in my life, to know that You will not ultimately disappoint! So I thank You this morning that You will come through for me, and I give You all the honour and all the glory and all the praise this morning in your precious Name Amen

Thursday, February 1, 2018

But God gives more grace (James 4:6)

It would be easy to become discouraged! Within the past few days I have received bad health news in a number of different scenarios. A relative of a friend taken hospital with bone cancer; the son of a colleague with MS who had taken a certain treatment with a low risk of a terrible side effect discovering yesterday, that he had that very side effect; a friend with an eating disorder discouraged by learning her statistical chances of full recovery; and in my own life finishing up in emergency yesterday after a prolonged debilitating dizzy spell, and learning that on top of all my other diagnosed ailments I am diagnosed with orthostatic hypotension. Yes it would be easy to become discouraged!

But by the Grace of God I’m not! I don’t pretend to understand all that He allows, but I know that He is in control. I also know that He expects me to war for healing be it my own healing, or the healing of others. And I have been in this war long enough to have won some significant battles along the way. And when I am tempted to be discouraged, I call these victories to mind. To name a couple, I have often said that I would not have survived without Him. And I mean that quite literally, in particular in my mid-50s I was fighting for my life to overcome the generational pattern of early death. In addition, by His grace I overcame an aggressive prostrate cancer. So I am not about to give up now!

I’m not saying I’m not stubborn, but stubbornness alone is not enough, at least it was not enough for me. What I have learned, is that with His help, by His grace whatever does not kill you makes you stronger. It works like this in the kingdom, the things that tend to make you weak are a crossroads. But, and it’s a big big but, His strength working in and through me, is made perfect in my weakness. So when I am weak, I have the potential to be strong, because His grace it is sufficient as I cast myself up on him, upon his mercy and upon his amazing promises (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Father, I thank You for the “buts” of the Bible. A “but” changes everything. And when I am tempted to be discouraged, I need Your “but God…” Because of Your “buts,” the doctors do not have the last word, You do. And armed with Your promises, I choose to storm the gates of heaven this morning with my prayer requests and leave the outcome to You. I give You all the honour, glory and praise in Jesus Name Amen