Monday, June 23, 2014

The horse you ride is every hand as high as those of the Fundamentalists you so despise!

I am the first to admit that there are expressions of what is passed off as Christianity, that make me cringe. It is said that Jesus was full of grace and truth, when some of us who seek to follow him speak, it is not always grace and truth that comes out of the mouth, even when it it truth.

But those who follow Christ are not the only ones who lack grace in their speech, even when it is true. Again I am the first to admit that there are, and have been, gross injustices and even violence against those who are perceived as different. I want to apologize for this, it seems that there are many times we “know not what we do!” But, and I speak to both sides, is it true tolerance if we only tolerate those people and views with which we agree?

My response, stated in the head of this post, was to one who was showing the very same attitude and contempt as those he was lambasting. Unfortunately the liberal agenda, while it has many things to say that we need to hear, too often is saying them in a way that is fast becoming tyrannical. Christian Lawyers are being barred from the bar, Christian therapies are being literally outlawed, people of faith being denied access to training in psychiatry, and even to political parties. One has to wonder whatever happened to “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” The tyranny of Political correctness intimidates into silence any and all dissension, and seems self righteously content to do this, even when what is spoken is spoken with grace. I came across this example recently. Watch and judge for yourself.

What people do not seem to realize is that it is only in a culture this has been heavily influenced by the Bible that democracy, human rights and equality can even be preached with a any expectation of being heard!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Consider it all joy when you fall into various trials. You're joking right?

The morning of the day I knew was going to be the most difficult in my life, I woke up with an old hymn on my heart:- “Oh joy that seeks me through the pain, I cannot ask to hide from thee. I trace the rainbow through the rain and feel the promise is not vain, that morn will tearless be.” Next came the memory of a verse from Hebrews speaking of Jesus “who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross despising the shame.” I felt I was being told that pain is a barrier the other side of which is joy.

I have wrestled with the admonition in the title of this post. I know at some level secular Psychology and even common sense will tell us that “it is no use crying over spilt milk.” Your (my) kicking, screaming and staying in denial is not going to help! So why not just suck it up and get on with life? It all makes perfect sense logically, but our emotions (mine in particular) are not necessarily subject to cold cool and hard logic. Even the best advice is more often than not far easier to say, than it is to do!

But for me, there is One who works in me both in my desire to do and in the wherewithal to do what otherwise would be impossible. I did kick and scream for a while, before I came to the stage where I can say that I am learning to stop fighting the people and circumstances I have no influence over. It's called acceptance. But I can also say that I really am finding that path, and that strangely the deeper the trial the more (with His help) I am able to stay close to the One who comforts and strengthens me. In fact I am even having joy in these times. So no I am not joking and, by the way in case you did not guess it, His name is Jesus!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

You make me mad! Really?

How many times do we hear this, but how can someone force you to be mad? Am I without control over my reactions to what others say and do to us. Is there a “mad” gene within us that absolves us of any and all responsibility of taking control over our lives?

The teaching about Jesus being the God man is important here. Being God, Jesus shows what God is like ("If you have seen me you have seen the Father" – gracious, kind, loving full of grace and truth). Being man, Jesus shows us man as God intends man to be (Man? Women are off the hook! :)). He demonstrates grace, kindness, love, gentleness and (in terms of this post) self control (i.e. all the fruit of the Spirit). As thy drive cruel nails through His hands and His feet He prays “Father forgive them, they do not know what they do!” So did they make Him mad? In the moment of greatest pain He is forgiving and looking after His mother. How is this possible? Only by the Spirit, and again part of the fruit of the Spirit is self control.

Certainly we loose our temper at times (I have not yet arrived have you?). Part of the problem is that we have failed to exercise the self control of those who, with constant practice, have by the Spirit overcome the sinful nature. We do not have a choice about what wrong is done to us, but we do have a choice as to how we react to the wrong done to us. More often than not, our response to wrong done is wrong too. We are told to be angry and sin not, and to cease from wrath (getting mad – in particular allowing ourselves to be out of control). We (I) need to change these patterns. As for me, I am not yet what I should be, but thank God I am not what I once was!