Friday, February 24, 2023

Dust in the image of God: Creatures before our Creator

“This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created” (Genesis 2:4). The verse introduces the second creation account. The first (Genesis 1:1-2:3), gives the big picture, starting with the creation of the heavens and the earth, and culminating in mankind (both male and female), as its crowing glory, being in the unique and privileged position of image bearers of the creator Himself (1:27)! This second account is before the fall. The main focus is mankind, his place in the garden, and his relationship with God and others.

Many times Biblical truths need to be held together in tension. In such cases it's not 'either or,' but 'both and.' Truth out of balance is error! Here, we need to hold in tension that we are image bearers and, as Genesis 2:7 puts it, we are formed from the dust of the ground. Earlier, we merely scratched the surface of what it means to be image bearers with all its advantages and privileges. But we need to keep in mind that while we are image bearers we are not God, we are dust! The appropriate response is humility! True humility is about thinking neither more, nor less, of ourselves than what God says of us. Jesus tells that the poor in spirit are blessed (Matthew 5:3). Being poor in spirit is about becoming as little children, so we can enter into relationship with the Creator (Matthew 18:3; Micah 6:8). Isaiah tells that the ox knows its master, but Israel does not (Isaiah 1:3). So it is with many of us!

In case you hadn't noticed, humility is not a widespread virtue in our culture! Have you ever said (or thought) “nobody is going to tell me what to do, not even God?” You have forgotten you are but dust, a creature before the Creator. We are dependent on God for our very breath! The famous quote “I am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul” from the poem ‘Invictus’ sought, I think, to spur us on to greatness. However, it can lead to being puffed up with pride (1 Corinthians 8:1). The entrance of pride came with the fall. It was Satan's primary sin (Isaiah 14:14), and like all sin, it separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2)!

But there is also false humility, which takes “pride” in being nothing. It is in many of our hymns ('such a worm as I,' 'my own worthlessness'). Do you beat yourself up for who you think you are, or for what you did (I'm a worm, I'm a looser, I'm a piece of ...)? You are forgetting that you are made in God's image, forgetting Jesus died for your sins (Galatians 2:20). The most depraved of us, is an image bearer for whom Christ died. And when we repent, He abundantly pardons, and restores our fellowship with Himself (Isaiah 55:7; 1 John 1:9). We are not insignificant, we are beloved children, we are co-labourers together with Him (1 John 3:1; 1 Corinthians 3:9). There is a lot of both pride, and false humility, out there!

Father, please do not give me too much so that I forget You. Neither let me become poor so that I steal, and dishonour You (Proverbs 30:8, 9). Let me think neither too highly of myself, nor too lowly (Romans 12:3). I am Your valued, beloved, precious son. I am nevertheless a creature made from dust! I love You Lord in Jesus Name Amen

Monday, February 13, 2023

God said, “Let the waters under the heavens

.... be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear....  Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed. Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees that bear fruit whose seed is in itself (Genesis 1:9).  We continue observing how well the Genesis creation story fits with what is currently know from science. We saw earlier that science affirms that the earth started off as a dark water world (Genesis 1:1). Today science understand that land appeared as a result of volcanic activity and plate tectonics. From the internet “About 300 million years ago, Earth did not have seven continents, but instead one massive supercontinent called Pangaea, which was surrounded by a single ocean.” Our text also explains that the waters were gathered into one place!  And of course, the theory of continental drift explains our current atlas.

On this third creation day then, land appears and starts to bring forth seed bearing vegetation, seed-bearing plants, trees etc. These things could include any plant species that ever existed and certainly includes “the relatively primitive plant species scientists have identified as the first land vegetation” (Ross 'The Genesis Question' p. 39). The text doesn't say all land vegetation appeared at this time, but in any case, as Schaeffer points out (Genesis in Space and time), there is no claim that the Bible gives complete knowledge, only that what it gives is true!

The phrase “whose seed is in itself” is significant. Not only does life appear at this point, it is self propagating life. This is one of several radical discontinuities that proceeds to human life, the pinnacle of creation (1:27). So far we have something out of nothing, and here not just life out of non-life, but self propagating life! In terms of this latter discontinuity, the cell that makes up the building blocks of life are turning out to be far more complicated than Darwin supposed. And evolution's small and gradual change over time, has not even begun to explain the complexities that are being revealed (i.e the flagellum). Stephen Myer (Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design) quotes Darwin's thesis that we should look to things we understand, to explain things we don't. Darwin used this idea to jump from observed small changes over time, to huge changes over geological time. Using Darwin's thesis, Myer points out that the only source we know of that produces complex information, is intelligence. He suggests therefore, that only intelligence can account for the mystery of the origin of the digital information encoded along the spine of the DNA molecule.

I mentioned earlier Science's resistance to paradigm shifts (M1). Myer, in his preface, documents the resistance here.  He tells that some of the early proponents of Intelligent Design were cancelled, not because of lack of scientific rigour, but because they dared to question the status quo.

Father, there was a time that Your wisdom was also foolishness to me (1 Corinthians 1:18).  I uttered things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me (Job 42:3). But today I see great and marvellous are Your works, and Your ways past finding out (Revelation 15:3; 11:33). Help us Lord, not to loose our child like sense of wonder. It's Your glory Lord to conceal a matter, but ours to suss it out (Proverb 25:2). Help us not to be afraid of new ideas,   and give us please openness, honesty, wisdom and integrity, in Jesus Name Amen

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Science, sound, God's voice and ours

“God said ... and it was so” (Genesis 1:9). God's voice is powerful, it spoke creation into being, and brought order out of chaos (Genesis 1:1-27). Interestingly, sound can order chaos! Using a flat metal plate as a sounding board, Ernst Chladni Sprinkled sand randomly over the surface. And he observed intricate geometric patterns emerging, as he played notes of various frequencies (search Chladni plates on Youtube). Dan McCollam (God vibrations work book) imagines the scattered sand as the nuclear particles created in Genesis 1:1, and the sound as Jesus' voice calling creation to order.

Einstein explained that everything in the universe is in a continuous state of vibratory motion, and that every object has a frequency. Two things happen when an opera singer shatters a wine glass. Firstly there is entrainment, a synchronizing the frequency of the note with that of the glass. Secondly there's resonance, when the volume causes an increase in amplitude of the small back and forth movements inherent in the natural frequency of the glass. Together they push the amplitude beyond what the structure can sustain. Doctors use this phenomenon to break up kidney stones. But it can also be weaponized! Youtube videos of the Tacoma suspension bridge disaster give a visible demonstration of these things.The rigid structure goes through unbelievable contortions before it finally collapses.

Perhaps God used entrainment (the frequency of the marching feet matching that of the walls) and resonance (from the volume of the stamping and shouting) to cause Jericho's walls to fall (Joshua 6). By the way, there is strong archaeological evidence that the walls of ancient Jericho did indeed suddenly collapse (see Tim Mahoney's 'Patterns of evidence: The Exodus'). God, of course being God, could also have suspended natural laws! Either way these things are signs and wonders!

Is it much of a stretch then, with McCollam, to imagine the whole of creation moving in obedience to God's voice? But here, by contrast, is a huge wonder! With the gift of free will, it is possible for us to disobey His voice (Genesis 2:17; 3:6)! Also, being created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), our words too are powerful! In fact life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Though sticks and stones make break my bones, they will eventually heal. Unkind words however, can leave inner scars that may never heal! We are commanded therefore, to let our speech be edifying, seasoned with salt (Colossians 4:6).

There's an important, and very great upside! In fact entrainment and resonance come together as a parable of the promises of believing prayer. Entrainment comes when we are in synch in heart, mind and soul with God's will. And He promises, when we ask in synch with Him, that He will hear us, and grant our petitions (1 John 5:14, 15). Resonance occurs when any two agree together to ask for something. When we do this, He promises it will done for us (Matthew 18:19)!

Father, just as the science of sound can be used for good or evil (war), so it is with our speech. Set a guard over our mouths Lord (Psalm 39:1; 141:3). And help us Father, as in the early church, to move in the reality of Your exceedingly great and precious promises (2 Peter 1:4). We somehow lost it, but You did not change! You are the same yesterday today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Please restore what's been lost, and we'll give You the glory, in Jesus Name Amen

Monday, February 6, 2023

In the beginning God: Elohim

Skeptics thinking to undermine faith ask “If God created everything (Genesis 1:1), who made God?” But nobody made God, He always was (Genesis 21:33).  People have pretty weird ideas! For example “I like to think of God as ....,” as if we could decide for ourselves what He's like. Can we decide that water is not wet?  Since God is totally other, the only way we can know anything about Him, is if He reveals Himself to us.
The Hebrew Names of God are a fascinating study, and reveal the person. Here in Genesis 1:1, God is Elohim. Interestingly Elohim is plural, and can refer to any so called god or gods. Wikipedia says 'despite the -im ending common to many plural nouns, the word Elohim when referring to God, is grammatically singular, and takes a singular verb in the Hebrew Bible.' For example “Elohim spoke to Noah” (see Genesis 9:8 interlinear).  But also interestingly, Elohim refers to Himself as “Us” in 1:26, giving a hint of what theologians call Trinity.

Trinity is problematic for our over-rationalized Western mind. Trinity consists of three entities Father, Son and Holy Spirit each called God, but there's only one God. Part of the problem is the tendency to throw out mystery. But even science cannot do that. Is light particles or waves, and what about quirks, quarks, black holes and dark energy? Trinity was not something deduced from reason alone, but rather is an attempt to be faithful to the mystery of the Biblical record. And we read “The Lord our God is One” (Deuteronomy 6:4). But also, Jesus is the Word, and the Word is God (John 1:1,14). Finally Holy Spirit is God, for in Acts 5:3 Ananias lied to Holy Spirit, but had not lied to men but to God (verse 4)!

You don't have to use the word Trinity.  But if you're going to be true to the Bible, you do have hold both truths together in tension. There are practical applications! In particular, the three entities of the Trinity are in full  agreement with each other. If you have seen Jesus you have seen the Father John 14:9). So then any concept of the Father that you don't see in Jesus, has to be wrong. Secondly all Scripture was inspired by the Spirit (the theo- pneustos of 2 Timothy 3:16, translated God-breathed in the NIV, is equally well translated as God- Spirited). Jesus, of course is the Word, and the Holy Spirit teaches the things of Jesus (John 14:26), illuminating what is written. An important application here concerns the balance of the Spirit and the Word. I like the saying the Word without the Spirit you dry up (legalism and the like), the Spirit without the Word you blow up (resulting in excesses). But with the Word and the Spirit together, you grow up!

Father, many have a warped view of Your Fatherhood, but I need it so very much, because for the longest time I operated out of an orphan spirit. Thank You Lord, that Your Spirit now testifies to my spirit, that I am Your child (Romans 8:16). Forgive me Lord,  for the times I somehow made into what I wanted You to be. You are far more wonderful than I could think, or imagine.  Please continue to fascinate me with Yourself, and to draw me ever deeper into the experience of Your extravagant healing love (1 John 3:1). For these and many other things I give You thanks and praise, in Jesus Name Amen

Thursday, February 2, 2023

The image of God II: Our identity as beloved children of God

We humans lost many things at the fall (Genesis 3), but paramount in what was lost, is the sense of our identity as image bearers of God (Genesis 1:26). Knowing our identity is important, for we live our lives out of who we think we are. Believing I am a looser, for example, is likely to become a self fulfilling prophecy. For the longest time, even as a Christian, I was still trying to get my identity out of what I did for the Lord. But we are human being not human doings. At one level, we are all wounded by life. And too often a lie gets attach to the wound. If we are rejected, we may believe we are unlovable and unworthy of love. Also, because our earthly fathers were less than perfect, we may have a twisted view of Father God. I knew that my father loved me, but unfortunately he had no time for me. So for me, God loved me, but was distant! But God wants an intimate relationship with us. In fact relationship with Him is the essence of eternal life (John 17:3). As I said earlier, to see what the Father is like we just need to look to Jesus for  “He who has seen Me, has seen the Father” (John 14:9).

A primary picture of our identity as image bearers, is as beloved children of God (1 John 3:1). But a major consequence of our moving further and further away from our Judaeo-Christian roots, is our culture's fatherlessness. With the rampant propaganda that attacks masculinity and the family, is it any wonder that we live in perhaps the most fatherless generation ever? Psychology, with it's emphasis on the inner child, confirms the spirit of the age is the orphan spirit, the sense of not belonging.  We have an enemy, whose agenda is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). So perhaps it is no surprise to understand that identity is a primary area of attack. Jesus Himself was tempted in this area. Just before the beginning of His ministry the Father had affirmed Him as His beloved Son (Mark 1:11). Then, in His weakened state after 40 days of fasting, the very the first thing out of the Devil's mouth was “If you are the Son of God. ....” (Matthew 4:6).

As believers, we are brothers and sister of Christ (Hebrews 2:11). And since there is no partiality with God (Romans 9:11), you and I need to hear Him say to us that we too are His beloved son and daughters.  John invites us to meditate on what kind of love the Father has lavished upon us, that we should be so called (1 John 3:1). But tapping into the reality of this is a process, at least it was for me. And one of the Holy Spirit's primary jobs is to facilitate our receiving the Spirit of adoption that causes us to cry out “Abba, Daddy, Father” (Romans 8:15).

Father help us, in spite of our feelings at times, to believe  that we are Your beloved children. Thank You that You have given us the Spirit of adoption, and that Your Spirit witnesses with our spirit,  that we are indeed Your  children (Romans 8:16).  And I choose Lord, to tell myself over and over that I am Your beloved child.  I will tell myself until I believe it, then I will tell myself because I believe it, in Jesus Name Amen