Sunday, June 27, 2010

You don’t believe in Adam and Eve do you?

One of the problems in writing this blog is that at this point in time I
don't know who I am writing to.  It is the same problem with my book.
If I am writing to Christians only I will need to be aware of certain red
flags that I must not wave.  “Red flags”,  as in the phrase “red flags
to a bull”. He will change. There are equal and opposite red flags to
non-Christians. We are told to be all things to all men. What this
means to me,  is that it is important to meet people where they are
“at”, not where I may want them to be. 

I did not always believe what I now believe about the Scriptures (see
about me), in particular I wrestled a great deal with the opening
chapters of Genesis. What I did, was to study these chapters carefully
and prayerfully. Let me take you back to what I learned at that time.

What struck me, and what started me on my journey to where I am
“at” right now,  was the thought “This book (the Bible) knows me”.
This is never more true than the early chapters of Genesis. If we are
to get the  most out of Scripture it is helpful to ask three questions:
what does it say; what does it mean; and how do we apply it.
Interpretation (what does it mean)  of these chapters are double red
flags. So at least for now I want to avoid them. Lets skip to
application,  and look at Adam and Eve as a representative of the
human race. Here is the story.  In the beginning is the honeymoon.
They are naked, as in no secrets, no hidden agenda, no manipulation,
no shame, perfect communion and perfect loving communication.  A
single poor choice is made. This choice has consequences,  and these
consequences like ripples on a pond go on and on and on.  The choice
affects the significant other. Adam must choose her or God. He
chooses her. Now everything changes. Whereas before they felt no
shame, no need to hide, now they need to hide from God, they put on fig leaves. So they are hiding not only from God, but  from each other, and ultimately from themselves.   They start to pay the blame
game. “What have you done Adam?”  'The woman You gave...... she
.....” Its her fault God, and actually God its Your fault too, You gave
her to me. The earth is cursed, work is hard, nature is red in tooth and claw.

So here we have modern man's dilemma, alienation of man from God,
alienation of man from man, alienation of man from himself, and
alienation of man from creation.  I know of no other explanation that
describes so well our condition.  My thought “This book knows us”.
It also offers the solution.  Later perhaps.


  1. With one particularly frustrated consequence being: if one tries, tentatively, to begin exploring "the interpretation", one's fumbling but earnest words are prone to be interpreted in the most negative light.

  2. Hi Largo, I know what you mean. I'd be happy to talk. Probably more freedom offline. Send me an email, if you like.

  3. Thanks Phil. There are different reasons for talking about some things offline. At the moment, freedom is a minor one for me, but I don't want to hijack your blog or raise red flags for you before their time.

    Do you know that you gave my wife away?
