We live in a society that one therapist described as stirred up and inflamed by pseudo, hyper sexuality. Though for us it is not the only one, without any doubt the most controversial aspect of this phenomenon is the homosexual issue. This is a particularly difficult issue for the Church, and it is not going to go away anytime soon. One way or the other, we in the Church have to deal with it.
I am writing today, as one who, as much as is possible within me, is seeking to understand and practice the Spirit of Jesus, when he said to the woman caught in the very act of adultery “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more”. Jesus spoke with compassion, but he also spoke the truth. The Church likewise is commanded to speak the truth in love. We have not done this well. Too often we have spoken in judgmental self-righteousness. This is totally unacceptable, abhorrent, and carries a spirit that is diametrically opposite to that in which I am seeking to write today. I apologize here and repent for any part that I, and others who name the name of Christ, have played in hating, fearing and otherwise dismissing, disrespecting and marginalizing gay people. I speak for any who are willing to identify with what I am saying here. I believe there are many. We do understand that there have been grave injustices and hate crimes and violence against gays. We abhor and condemn such violence, along with indiscriminate prejudice against gays. Truly, the injustices are great, and I hang my head in shame at this display of man's inhumanity to man.
We did not choose the homosexual issue, as a watershed issue for our faith, it is being forced upon us by the political agenda and the powerful, well funded and highly organized gay lobby. However, just as not all who name the name of Christ are anti gay, we do not believe that all gays are in the militant camp. Though we have not always done this well, we are committed to welcoming gays into our communities. We are willing to talk about the issues, to do so in the gentleness of the Spirit of Christ described above, and to leave room for them to be wrestled with. We do not, however want to hide the fact that we cannot in conscience affirm the gay lifestyle. Our position is that the “no”s of God are for our (and your) provision and protection (see coming posts). In particular anything less than the ideal of one man one woman in life long monogamous union within the context of marriage, is always at some level, destructive. Some of us have learned this truth the hard way, from the school of hard knocks. Our heart is particularly for those who are feeling trapped by their same sex attractions (SSAs). If this is you, we want you to know that we are distressed by the political and other pressures that are put on you, not only not to change, but to deny that is it possible.
While we understand that to many our position is totally unacceptable, we do not think that it is reasonable that we be expected to change either our beliefs, or our understanding of right and wrong, simply because of political and or societal pressure. We do not believe that truth can be legislated, or decided upon democratically. We are open to debate, indeed it is our challenge to the militants in the gay community that we be allowed to do so. When honest disagreement, inquiry and debate is (as is the case) loudly proclaimed as hate, we have to wonder exactly who is hating who (see next day's post). On the other hand, the fact of the matter is that the jury is still out on many of the dogmas proclaimed loudly (and admittedly successfully) by the militant arm of the gay community. This is particularly true of the "nurture verses nature" question. Debate is, as I say, disallowed by the rhetoric of political correctness. These days, the thought police are everywhere.
The Gospel that we preach promises that “If the Son shall set you free, you will be free indeed”. Indeed if it could be shown that the Son (Christ) could not set you free from your unwanted SSAs, then for us the Gospel would be shown to be false. It is however the testimony of many that He has, He does, and He will deliver to the uttermost. We do not pretend that it is easy, indeed it is the testimony of those who in various stages either have successfully or substantially dealt with, or are dealing with their unwanted SSAs and/or other unwanted aspects of human sexuality, that it is not. How can research claim to be unbiased when, as it so often does, it dismisses evidence like this, that suggests the very opposite of what particular researchers seem to want to prove.
A relevant question "Does victim status + political power = justice?" is discussed in next days post.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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