Wednesday, July 31, 2013

“inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.”

For many people it is Jesus “yes,” and the Church “no.” I understand this well. I have been hurt more by those who claim to know Him than those who don't. I supposed I expected more, but I don't intent to let it put me off Him! But here's a question, what would you do if you saw Jesus hungry and naked (that is part of what the quote from Matthew 25 is about)?

I don't want to downplay our very real needs or our very real difficulties, but compared with much of the world, we in the West are all filthy stinking rich. According to UNICEF over 22,000 children die every day due to poverty. That is over one child every 4 seconds. So how many died while you were reading this? And how much suffering results from just one such death? It is easy to be overwhelmed, it is easy think I can do nothing. This post was prompted by pictures face book friends posted, and I suggested “Opportunity International” as an effective way to help some. Even if we only help one, the mother of that child will be eternally grateful. Jesus also said “... inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ I cannot do nothing, how about you?


  1. Suggested “Opportunity International” (Google it) on my face book page. It is a holistic micro financing organization that not only gives interest free loans, but organizes loans in community, and so gives accountability, training, follow up, mobile banks and much more. It has changed and is changing whole communities. There is a low rate of default (over 95%) so it is the energizer bunny of charities. Once you donate, your donation just keeps on giving. Over and over and over.

    Give a man a fish or teach a man to fish?

  2. Over 95% is -not- a low rate of default! But I knows what you meant to say. Under 5% is indeed a low rate of default. I hope I can contribute sometime soon.
