But envy is rottenness to the bones (Proverbs 14:30). We are
triune beings consisting of body, soul and spirit. And sickness in
one area affects the whole being. Modern research talks about psycho
– somatic (soul body) illnesses. Worry for example, can produce
ulcers. This proverb is talking about spirit – body sickness. A
tranquil heart is not automatic, and we need to “guard the heart
with all diligence, for out of it come the issues of life”
(Proverbs 4:23). The point about rottenness the bones is that the
damage is internal, and for the longest time invisible to the
outside. But it is detrimental to the very structure of the
spiritual life. And lac of spiritual health will eventually
literally effect the health of both the body and the soul.
I read that envy has
three components of evil, the deep discontent that comes when we see
what other have that we want; the desire to have it for ourselves;
and the desire for it to be taken from the other. When we allow envy
to take root, it's the good things that others have that makes us
feel bad, and if we don't deal with it, it will take on a life of its
own, and the discontent will grow. Saul was envious after David won
his great military triumph and when the women sang, “Saul has
killed his thousands and David his ten thousands” (1 Samuel 18:7).
Saul's response was both envy and jealousy. He wanted those
accolades for himself alone. And it lead to his desire to take
David's life. In fact he attempted it several times (1 Samuel
chapters 18- 24). The Scripture puts it this way “Where there is
envy and strife, there is confusion and every evil work” (James
So to come back to
guarding our heart, I want to say that modern research has shown that
every thought comes with an emotion. And when we fixated on something
the emotion surrounding those thoughts grow. I know this from
experiences, since there was a time I had murder in my heart. The
Bible talks about these things as strongholds of the mind. The good
news though, is that we have might weapons that with His help enable
us to demolish such strongholds. It does require our obedience
however, and that we grow in discipline. In particular we have the
ability with His help, to take every thought captive unto the
obedience of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-6). And we need to
learn to do this at the very beginning of the thought/emotion, so
that we will not be drawn away (James 1:14).
Father, my experience
with these negative thoughts and emotions is that they tend to hide.
And we have this incredible ability to justify our thoughts and
actions. I came to believe that the Bible is Your Word because over
and over it came to me “this book knows me.” It can leave us
devastated when we first start to see it. That's the bad new, but
the good news is that there is hope, there is a sure hope. Jesus died
for my sins the just for the unjust in order that we might be brought
to God (1 Peter 3:18). When we learn this, we can come out of hiding,
out of denial and tap into all the benefits of His passion. We are
flawed, but accepted, imperfect but loved. And on that day we will be
like You, Hallelujah. Even so come Lord Jesus Amen
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