Saturday, November 21, 2020

Confess your sins to one another,

...  and pray for one another, that you may be healed (James 5:16). The context (verse 15),  the way the word is used elsewhere (i.e. Matthew 13:15), and the verse itself shows that healing here,  is primarily about healing from the effects of sin. The confession is to one another, not church leaders,  as in the physical healing of verse 14. It should be noted though,  that neither the leaders not physical healing are excluded by this verse (see also verse 15).  The “that” of verse sixteen is really “in order that.”  The implication is that if the  openness and transparency of mutual accountability is absent,  we can expect the fellowship to remain unhealed from the effects of sin. In my opinion it is one of the major reasons the church is so weak and ineffective.  

People often tell me “I don't need to confess to others to be forgiven.” That is correct, we confess to God to be forgiven (1 John 1:9), however we confess to one another (as here) to be healed. So I can be forgiven, but remain unhealed! Ultimately all sickness is the result of sin, not necessarily our own. There was no sickness before sin entered the world at the fall (Genesis 3:6).   After the fall God cursed the earth “for our sake” (Genesis 3:17 NKJV). God tweaked reality,  so that bad choices have bad consequences (we reap what we sow Galatians 6:7). And He did this for our sake, knowing that the negative consequences of our's and other's sin, are likely the only thing that would bring us back to Himself.  The fall resulted in the alienation of man from God, man from man, and man from himself (Genesis 3:7, 8). Confession then, man to God and man to man, and man to himself (coming out of denial), is one of God's primary tools to reverse the effects of the fall and to bring in the Kingdom.

It's not generally safe of course! People like to judge you, it gives them some sort of temporary relief from their own guilt and shame! It's hypocrisy, and it's alive and well in the church! We need therefore to either find,  or create safe places,  where this Kingdom principle can be practiced. One such place is within the ministry of “Celebrate Recovery” (CR) a Christ centred twelve-step program, where I am a leader. It took me forty one of my forty eight years as a Christian to find such a place. But I also didn't know what I was looking for. The anonymity and confidentiality in CR and other twelve-step programs make them safe (safer) places. In CR,  having Christ as our higher power, also gives us access to all the Principles and Promises of the Word,  and to the healing and comforting  Presence of Holy Spirit.  

Father, I confess this morning my own soul–spirit sicknesses and the churches soul–spirit sickness – sickness of mind,  soul and body.  I confess that we have failed to tap into the resources that You have made available though Your Word, Your Spirit and the giftings of Your people.  Have mercy on us Lord, forgive us, and lead us into understanding and obedience, so that Your church may glorify You, and the World may see that You are real and to want what we have, or rather what we should have. Your intention Lord is that we be transformed from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18),  and in this way glorify You in Jesus Name Amen


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