Thursday, December 9, 2021

Paradise lost, Kingdom come on earth

One of the things that puzzled me for a long time,  was a report that came out of the 90's revival in Pond Inlet, a community in Northern Canada (search Youtube). Following the revival, both the berries and the caribou, which had been absent,  returned to the land. But one of the many things that intercessors have been claiming in these days, is the promise that if  God's people humble themselves, pray and we turn from our wicked ways, He will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). So the healing of the land is literal, and it's part (but only part) of our prayer “Kingdom of God come on earth” (Matthew 6: ).  

In Genesis 1:31 we saw that everything God had made, was very good.  But there are certainly things  that are not very good,  paradise is lost! There are wars and rumours of wars, there is something wrong in relationships. There are violent storms, earthquakes, famines, diseases etc.,  something is wrong with creation. In terms of relationships, we live in an age that is reluctant to call anything wrong. But, at least in the movies,  we still like to talk about the good guys and the bad guys! The Bible labels what the bad guys do as sin. It's not a popular word today. For the moment,  let's think of sin as wrong doing. The Bible put is this way “all have sinned and fallen short of God glory” (Romans 3:23). I mean nobody's perfect right?  Not even me!

It was created good, but is no longer good, so what happened? The Biblical answer, is that something about human nature, something about creation itself itself died the day Adam and Eve sinned (Genesis 2:17). The Bible calls it the curse, meaning that sin changed the very fabric of reality (Genesis 3:17-19).  Creation itself is said to be groaning under the curse,  awaiting the appearing of the sons of God (Romans 8:22, 19), when creation will be made new (2 Peter 3:13).

Kingdom come on earth then is about reversing the curse. When Jesus came the first thing He said was that the Kingdom of God (paradise regained) is at hand, ready to break through. With His advent, the Kingdom, God's rule on earth has begun. He healed the sick and stilled storms.  When the Kingdom comes in its fullness,  death and the curse will be swallowed up through His victory over death (Isaiah 25:8; Romans 1:4).  On the cross He literally became a curse for us (Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 3:18).

As in 2 Chronicles 7:14 we have an essential part to play in bringing in the Kingdom.  It starts by receiving  and putting our faith in Him This establishes us as God's children (teknon), as babes in Christ (John 1:12; 1 Corinthians 3:1). Creation however, is waiting for the appearance of the children (sons- huios) of God (Romans 8:19). The huios are mature sons (and daughters),  and soldiers for King Jesus (2 Timothy 2:3, 4). They are those who are of full age, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil (Hebrews 5:14).  There is much to say.

Father, behind the phrase “constant use” is the principle that unrighteousness suppress truth, but obedience establishes it (Romans 1:20; John 8:31, 32).  In accordance with 2 Chronicles please forgive us Lord for our  lukewarmness. Give us grace to be living sacrifices, no longer living for ourselves but for You. In this way we put feet to our prayer “Kingdom come on earth,”  in Jesus Name Amen

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