This morning as I was reflecting on the Christmas story and how outrageous is it to expect us to believe it. Expected to believed that He was born of a virgin; that the blind saw and the lame walked; the lepers were cleansed the deaf heard; the dead were raised up and the poor had the gospel preached to them. Expected to believe that He was crucified for us for the forgiveness of our sins, that He was dead and buried (blood and water had separated as they pierced Him) and then He himself rose from the dead. Unbelievable or is it? Is it a complete fabrication, or so obviously false it has to be true?
So, was I just being naive to believe about the kidney, or was I being patently gullible? My problem is that I have seen so much. I have seen the blind see and the lame walk. I have been used, in Jesus name, to open the ears of a man who was 80% deaf (Proof? We found him later covering his ears to protect himself from the noise of the gathering). No I have not seen the dead raised, but I know people who I trust who have (the Bakers of “Iris ministries,” - I trust them implicitly).
One reaction to telling of miracles that I have seen, and others I am convince about, was to to be told “If all this were true, we would have heard about it." My answer is “We do hear, but we don't believe it. And we don't see as much, for example, as Iris ministries do, because we live in a culture of unbelief. So we don't expect, and we don't pray, so we don't get!” Even some Christians don't believe, even though we are told that such signs will follow those who believe! (Mark 16)
Consider this, most people have never really examined any of this with their adult mind. It is easy to dismiss Sunday School type versions of Christianity. One of the greatest pieces of evidence for its truth is found in Judaism. The scriptures foretold so much of of what I have mentioned above – the virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14) – miracles (Isaiah 35:4ff) the crucifixion and raising from the dead (Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53). The unfortunate divide between Christian and Jew ensures that Christianity has not meddled with the prophecies.
But consider also the very existence of Israel. I will scatter you (Jeremiah 9:16;13:24; 18:17 etc) ... I will gather you from the 4 corners of the earth (Isaiah 11:12, Isaiah 43:5 etc). How can a scattered nation survive 2,000 years of being scattered? And how about this "Can a nation be born in a day?" (Isaiah 66:8). Based on this, and long before it happened it was predicted and aided by leaders and friends of Israel such as Chaim Weizmann, Lord Balfour, George V and scores of others. Well it happened on May 14, 1948. There is so much more to say, but hey – this needs to be kept reasonably short or you'll stop reading. :)
So did buddy have three kidneys? No, I was being too smart for my own good! How about you, are you too smart for your own good dismissing Christianity out of hand? In terms of miracles perhaps as much as 2/3 are fake, but 1/3 genuine is a lot of genuine! I challenge you to check it out, there is so much to gain, peace and hope and joy and healing of the soul. Have a good “holiday-mas.” :)
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