Monday, December 30, 2013

Homophobic - Hetraphobic

One good thing the Duck Dynasty dispute has done is to spark debate, at least for me. If we can listen to each other this will always be good. What tends to happen most of the time is that we hear only from the extremes, from the fanatics on both sides. In this scenario the one side cites violence against gays, the other the very existence of NAMBLA (North American Man Love Boy Association) whose stated goal (on it's web-site) is to legalize sex between adult males and underage boys.

When we listen only to those in our own camp we tend to make over generalized statements. “All religious people are homophobic, gay haters,” or “All gays are trying to push their homosexuality down our throats.” But not all religious people hate and fear gays, and not all gays want to seduce our children and ram their choices down our throats. But let's be honest, there are those I just described in both camps and such attitudes and resulting behaviours are wrong on both sides.

But where, when experimentation is increasingly being presented to our children as harmless, wholesome and healthy, are we allowed to to express concern over where we are going with this? Can anyone dispute the fact that the safest sex is abstention and/or life long monogamy between virgins. Is it hateful to say such things? Are such things in and of themselves homophobic? Why is it not also classified as hetrophobic? One has to wonder if we are afraid of the truth (aleuthiaphobic?)

Life long monogamy has been described as unrealistic, but Zulus and Puffins seem to have managed it. I admit that it is more difficult in the pornographic, hyper pseudo sexuality of our culture which, as I say, is increasingly encouraging our children to experiment with their sexuality! And how harmless is that when, for example statistics show that there are approximately 19 million new cases of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) per year in the US.

On of the thing that greatly concerns me, is the move to ban “reparative therapy” for teens with unwanted same-sex attraction. This is already in place in California, and New Jersey. It is of course being challenged. My understanding is that currently is has been upheld in California, but not in New Jersey. Such laws would (do) apply even to those who are experiencing sexual confusion as the result of abuse.

Surely we need to talk about these things, even if the tyranny of Political Correctness would seek to intimidate any and all opposition to its views into silence!

1 comment:

  1. I have written more on these things in “Harmless, wholesome and healthy? Hardly!” (July 2012), and “A Politically incorrect view on Homosexual and other sexual issues” (November 2010)
