Sunday, December 27, 2020

Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,

....  whose hope is in the LORD his God (Psalm 146:5). The Psalmist just admonished us to not put our trust in princes, nor in fact in any other human being. They can can neither help nor save,  for they will die and their thoughts and plans perish with them  (verses 3, 4).  Having the help of the God of Jacob, on the other hand, is an entirely different matter!  Many people say they believe in God, but which god, for “there are many so-called gods” (1 Corinthians 8:5)? Likely we will answer the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! But we should not be quick to dismiss the question “which god,” for I strongly suspect that each and every one of us has believed, and/or is tempted to believe,  some lie or other about  Him.  

The thing about believing a lie, is that we don't know it's a lie, or we wouldn't believe it! I was reminded this morning about a book I read years ago “Your God is too small!” I am also thinking about doubt in relationship to a verse that has been standing out to me in these days. It is that the Most High God rules in the Kingdom of men (Daniel 4:17). And doubt,  because in terms of appearance at the end of this very difficult year, it does not look that way for many of us! And I for one needed to be reminded this morning, of some of the truths about the God in whom I have put my hope and trust for His help! I need to be reminded that He is the creator who keeps truth forever, and who executes justice for the oppressed (verses 6, 7). 

According to the Hebrew lexicon, the word translated “truth” here also means  faithfulness, reliability, stability and is an attribute of God. And I needed to meditate on these things this morning as I wrestled with doubt. It takes time, and I needed to sit in His presence, and to be still and to know that He is God.  I also needed to be reminded that He will be exalted in the earth (Psalm 46:10).   He will be honoured and glorified,  and given His rightful place, and not just in heaven,  but right here “in the earth.”  This is His will, I mean He told us to declare “Kingdom of God come, will of God be done on earth as it is in heaven!” The question is “when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth" (Luke 18:8)? Indeed He is looking for those who take their eyes off what is seen, who believe Him for His promises,  and who will storm the gates of heaven until He accomplishes what He has promised!

Father, I choose again this morning to put my trust and hope in You, not in the political system, in any man or ideology.  Thank You Lord that as we spend time in Your presence, You rekindle hope and trust. Thank You that You are a faithful God,  and that You bless us as we wait in hope and trust in You. I want to found among the faithful Lord, among those who  continue to fight the good fight of faith until the end. Thank You Lord that You are a rewarder of those who diligently seek You, and we give You praise and glory again this morning in Jesus Name Amen  

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