Thursday, January 7, 2021

Doubtful disputes and Genesis 1

There is little doubt that Genesis  is a stumbling block to the faith of many.  How do we reconcile it with what is currently known in science, but which may change tomorrow? I said earlier that we have arrived neither in Science nor in our understanding of the Bible. Some have tried to say the literary genre of Genesis is the same as that of non Hebrew creation myths, and should therefore be regarded as such. literary genre  refers to the type of literature, novel, poetry, history, letter etc. Understanding the literary genre of a piece often gives clues as to how to understand it. But Genesis refuses to be classified in any other way than unique, and to my way of thinking needs to be treated as such. There are many things we don't know, many things we don't understand (1 Corinthians 8:2;2 Peter 3:16). Nevertheless if we are to love God with all our mind, we need eventually, one way or the other,  to come to terms with this chapter .

Some have seen evolution in the progress in it of non- life to vegetation, to the lower forms of animals to conscious animals, and finally to mankind. Some accepting parts of evolution essentially saying whatever is true in evolution is how God did it. Others vehemently deny any form of evolution is true. Some disputes revolve around the meaning of the Hebrew word “yom” translated “day” in most Bibles. The Hebrew lexicon shows something of the complexity of this word,  and its literal meanings include a period of twenty four hours,  many other periods including the unspecified (as in the English 'my father's day), as well as a long time. The dispute therefore resolves itself into the twenty for hour day camp, and the day is an age camp. I also warned earlier of our tendency to equate our interpretation of the Word with the Word itself, and there are many disputes even (perhaps especially) among those who take Scripture seriously.

Discussions can be helpful, arguments not so much, and the Bible warns against engaging in Doubtful disputes, particularly about words (Romans 14:1; 1 Timothy 6:4). These same scripture warn of the danger of disputes coming out of pride, or of either judging or despising “your brother,”  seeing him as a zero. Such disputes too easily result in “envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions.” Paul suggests that “each should be fully convinced in his own mind.”   We  should however, meet people where they are, especially unbelievers. It took me a long time to come to my own opinion on these things, and it seems to me to be wrong to insist others quickly accept my position.  There is a tendency to dismiss everything  another camp says,  dismissing everything if we disagree on one point. But I have learned a great deal from those with whom I disagree. We are to test all things, and  I have learnt to chew the meat (the good stuff) and throw away the bones.  

Father, please give us the humility to admit it when we don't know, or are not sure. Help us to resist the urge and the pressure to have an answer for every question. Scientist admit it when they don't know and so should we. When we give pat and shallow answers to complex question we do not come across as real. Give us listing respectful ears Lord, remind us to test all things and hold fast to what it true in Jesus Name Amen

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