Monday, January 4, 2021

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

The word bârâ, “He created,”  is used in the Bible only in connection with the activity of God. Also “the heaven and the earth” can only mean all that exists, matter, space and time, so that God created out   of nothing (Genesis 1:1).  My observation of Science is that it is often two steps forward one back. in successive approximations to the truth. It might eventually reach it, but it just might take a long time!  Part of the problem is that we are all biased,  and we all operate out of out world view,  our basis pre-suppositions. They may or may not be correct! Most, but certainly not all,  scientist dismisses the possibility of the god hypothesis, which makes sense except when it comes to origins,  and to creation in particular. Those who write God out of the equation call any science that does not  “pseudo science.” But its out of hand dismissal at creation is,  in and of itself,  profoundly unscientific!

Big Bang theory is the latest approximation to the origin of the universe, and is widely accepted. I quote “Today, the consensus among scientists, astronomers and cosmologists is that the Universe as we know it was created in a massive explosion that not only created the majority of matter, but the physical laws that govern our ever-expanding cosmos. The Big Bang hypothesis states that all  current and past matter in the Universe came into existence at the same time, roughly 13.8 billion years ago. At that time, all matter was compacted into a very small ball with infinite density and intense heat called a Singularity. The Singularity suddenly began expanding, and the universe as we know it began.”

It should be noted, that this is a description of what is believed to have taken place, not an explanation of how or why it did. Nothing is said about how the Singularity came into being, nor about the cause of the “suddenly began expanding” effect.  When challenged about such things those who dismiss the god hypothesis say something like “We don't know, but we will eventually!” Such a statement is a faith statement based on their belief, their faith, their assumptions of what Francis Schaeffer called modern modern science. Modern science, as opposed to modern modern science, was started by the church, as were the universities. The church believed that the creation was ordered and so it made sense to study it systematically. It would not have made sense if everything that is came out of random unordered chaos. The then basic scientific assumption of cause and effect in a limited system, open to reordering by God and man was birthed. This was deemed to be non-neutral at the so called enlightenment, and this is true. It was replaced by the assumption of cause and effect in a closed system. In other words as an unprovable assumption it was believed nothing outside of the system (the observable universe) either had,  or has any effect on it. This lead very naturally to the false  steady state hypothesis (see January 1). This by the way is also very far from neutral, and so when people say that science has disproved God they are actually making an invalid circular argument based on writing God out of the equation.

Father, we are all biased, we all have pre-suppositions,  and they are often hidden. Help us to be willing Lord to examine them, for it is only the truth that sets us free in Jesus Name Amen

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