Thursday, January 14, 2021

God created adam in His own image;

in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (Genesis 1:27).

You don’t expect me to believe in Adam and Eve do you? In light of Y chromosome Adam,  and Mitochondrial Eve discussed yesterday, a literal Adam might be easier to defend from science than it was even a short time ago. But there are alway deeper things to learn from a text, and it's easy to miss out on these deeper meanings by either getting caught up in such issues or dismissing the text altogether.  Noticed I wrote adam with a lower case a.  There are no uppercase letters in Biblical Hebrew, and adam is a transliteration of the Hebrew.  The word is variously translated Adam, man,  or mankind. Note from this morning's verse that adam is both singular and plural, and includes both male and female.  I want to affirm that I do believe that God created (bara) adam. Recall that “bara” is reserved in the Bible for God's activity, and that  it connotes something absolutely new that's brought forth. In particular, adam is very different than any other hominoid.  

Here's a question “Is adam (man) basically good, or basically evil? From the internet “For thousands of years, philosophers have debated whether we have a basically good nature that's corrupted by society, or a basically bad nature that's kept in check by society.” I'm often asked “Can't you make the Bible say anything you want?” I'll likely answer  “Yes,  and using the same rules of interpretation you can make the dictionary say the same thing.  And since I realized that,  I have stopped using the dictionary.” You would know it, if it wasn't for spellcheck!  

Case in point (make it say anything), some say “man is good, he is made in the image of God,  and He looked on man and saw that what He had made was not only good, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31). Others say no man is evil, when he fell (Genesis 3)  he inherited a sin nature. Out of this last view flowed the doctrine of the total depravity of man  (Romans 7:18). A sound interpretation however demands we hold disparate things like this together in tension. A balanced Biblical view then would say adam is made in the image of God and therefore she is capable of great good, but he is also fallen, and therefore capable of great evil.  The Bible,  correctly interpreted,  is true!

Without in any way minimizing the pain and  angst of those suffering from gender dysphoria,  I want to say that  both the Bible and biological science affirm that there are two,  and only two genders,  male and female. The social “sciences” may disagree, but the biology is clear! I suspect that if the dictates of political correctness were more tolerant, we would hear more about gender sex change  regret (Search “Walt Heyer sex change regret” for example).  Bear in mind the Scripture tells us that truth is suppressed in unrighteousness (Romans 1:8), and the saying seems to be true, that if you don’t believe truth,  you will believe anything!

Father, it takes courage to stand against the tyranny of political correctness.  As part of Your church I confess that we have hidden our light under a basket (Luke 11:33). So I'm asking You this morning Lord to forgive us,  and to give us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can,  and the wisdom to know the difference in Jesus Name Amen

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