... and keep it (Genesis 2:15). In this second account of God's creation of Adam, we see (among other things) that he is created with purpose. Work gives life meaning and dignity. Research has shown, among other things, a link between unemployment and anxiety, depression and loss of life satisfaction. This morning's verse of course is in paradise, so the picture of us sitting around with harps on clouds in heaven is not Biblical. The joy and satisfaction from work however was affected by the fall (3:17-19) and, as with everything else, often needs to be redeemed.
Two of the ways to get work wrong, is either too little, or too much. Proverbs 6:6 admonishes us “Go to the ant, lazy one. Observe its ways and be wise.” Paul teaches “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10). Note it's “will not,” not “cannot.” On the other hand, human beings, are not human doings. Since we are made in the image of God we need to take our identity first and foremost from Him. If our primary identity is in what we do, we can too easily become workaholics, in other words, work can become an idol.
There are two contentious issues in our culture related to work. Firstly, is the notion of equality, secondly women in the workplace. The Proverbs 31 woman (verses 10-31) paints an interesting picture, verse 16 says “She considers a field and buys it; From her profits she plants a vineyard.” That sounds like a business woman to me. But she also “watches over the ways of her household” (verse 27). Any woman would be hard pressed to do all of what is written in the idealistic picture from Proverbs. What's important thought, is that it leaves room for both the business woman and the homemaker. The tendency to disparage the homemaker is not Biblical. Indeed there is great dignity, destiny and fulfillment in being a homemaker, and no more important task then bringing up the children in the the nurture and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:2-4). Children are our heritage from the Lord!
Coming to equality it's important to note, that the Western sense of fairness and justice is part of our Judaeo-Christain heritage. Outside of this heritage these qualities are rare. I recommend “The book that made your world” by Vishal Mangalwadi. It is these very Judaeo-Christain virtues that gave much to the impetus for communism and our current social justice warriors. But make any single virtue your entire focus, and it becomes out of balance and toxic, even turning victims into oppressors. Equal opportunity is certainly worth fighting for. However, if we are to learn anything from history fighting for and legislating equal outcome, can be devastating. The workers who exceeded their quota in Communist Russia, for example, were persecuted and imprisoned. Forcing equal outcome (as opposed to equal opportunity) sabotages initiate. Who would want to spend seven years training to be a doctor to be given the same wage as an entry worker at MacDonald's?
Father, I like what Churchill said, that democracy is the worst form of government, apart from everything else. Please open the eyes of our culture Lord, and show us clearly that when we tear down what has been built on Judea-Christian values, we throw out the baby wth the bath water. Wake up Your church Lord, and send us out of isolation to be salt and light in every area of our culture, in Jesus Name Amen
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Work: The Lord put the man in the garden of Eden to tend
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