Friday, December 6, 2019

Discipleship: Demolishing strongholds, taking thoughts captive.

This morning we are looking at Paul's statement that the weapons of our warfare are mighty, in that they enable the demolition of ideas that war against the knowledge of God, and allow us to take every thought captive unto obedience to Christ (2 Corinthians 6:4,5). In terms of discipleship we need to apply this to our inner lives, then to church, and finally to the destructive philosophies of the age. This morning, we will be looking at our inner lives. We need to realize the things we think about and fixate on, are powerful influences in our lives, on our identity, on how we see ourselves and then ultimately, on our attitudes and actions. Over against this, as human beings we have this unique ability to think about what we are thinking about. And what this means, is that we can with His help, choose to take every thoughts captive, to subjugate them and, bring under Christ's control (verse 5).

It sounds simple, and it is! But simple and easy are not the same. We all have both good and bad thought patterns which form neural pathways in the brain. Neural pathways are shortcuts that when positive, enable skill sets such a playing the piano, or reading. Negative thought patterns also form neural pathways in the brain, and can result in addictions and other destructive behaviour. Obsessive thinking is in an of itself and addiction. Part of it not being easy, is that a feature of our fallen nature, seems to be that bad habits are easy to get into, and hard to get our of, while good habits work the other way round. Negative thought patterns are strongholds of the mind, but the good news, is that He has provided weapons to defeat them (verse 4). Addictive negative thought patterns can be dealt with, as with all addictions, in twelve-step programs whose principles are in fact Biblically based. Secular versions of this scratch the surface of the resources (weapons for the battle) that are available when our “higher power” is Christ (see “The principals, promises and power trinity” from January). There are advantages and disadvantages to every program, but what I want to mention here, is the fellowship of inward journey that is available in twelve-step programs. The Lord, however, has raised up many inner healing ministries, and we need to tap into those that meets our needs.

There were several blogs in July about taking our individual thoughts captive, and I won't repeat those thoughts here. But rather I want to mention some helpful tools (weapons) that overlap with traditional discipleship models. In particular, when we continue in His Word obeying and living out His teachings, then we will know the Truth and the Truth will set us free (John 8:31, 32). Since Jesus is Truth incarnate (John 14:6), we will know both His Word, and know Him in relationship. And then, in line with the first commandment , when we present our bodies as living sacrifices, we'll be in process of being transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:1,2). I can't resist quoting Einstein again “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that got us into them. ” So yes, living sacrifices, half measures profited us nothing!

Father, please teach us how to take every thought captive, especially when we find ourselves falling into old thought patterns. We are practicing, practice makes perfect, and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We thank You in His Name Amen

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