Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Praying for the seven Mountains (IV) Education

In case you are not aware, let me tell you plainly, the radical Left is increasingly hijacking the syllabi of our schools and universities with its radical leftist agenda. It's not yet as radical here in Canada as it is elsewhere, but make no mistake about it, it's coming unless we rise up and pull down the strongholds in the Name of Christ. It all started long ago with the taking away of prayer in schools, and with the science faith controversy. It was always present in Universities. Atheist Professors have long been free to ridicule faith based positions thus proselytizing atheism. But proselytizing Christianity is politically incorrect, and when attempted, is met with extreme hostility. There's much to say about these things, including the fact that atheism is also faith based, though few seem able to see it.
Even the ten commandments, the very basis of Western Civilization are increasingly, if not outright banned, have certainly been marginalized. Radical sex-ed is being taught in schools, and students encouraged, for example, to experiment with sex to determine their sexual orientation. In the UK one sex-ed program teaches six year olds how to self stimulate, and Breitbart tells of a BBC educational series that teaching children that there are “Over 100” different genders. And so “of course,” we get to choose our gender independent of our biological sex, and also hypocritically of science. We have yet to see the fullness of the destruction that will follow all this (but see 25 October)! At the moment home schooling is an option here in Canada, but I was recently made aware of a High Court ruling in Switzerland against mother’s right to Homeschool. All of this is even more pronounced in the Universities, with same extreme leftist values permeating the very ethos of the system. And increasingly, in the name of sensitivity, of microaggression and the perceived need for safe spaces, free speech is under attack, the very mechanism that can bring balance and sanity into the equation (see “Do we have a right to not be offended?” 23 October).
In terms of “if my people ... repent and turn from our wicked way” (2 Chronicles 7:14), we need to acknowledge, in identification repentance (see August 10), that what has essentially happened is that the tables have been turned. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And we Conservatives have certainly abused power. It's not just in the political system! Here in Newfoundland at the time of confederation the right to denominational schools was enshrined in the constitution. There was a lot of abuse of this entitlement and of power, and that right was overturned. Some of us were not sure that was not a good thing. Democracy works (when it does), because the various sides keep things balanced, and just because something calls itself Christian, does not mean it operates out of Biblical attitudes and principles. And we need both Liberal and Conservative opinions, to keep things balanced, and we need to listen to each other!
Father, I repent for myself and for those who are called by Your name for our abuse of power and for our neglect of the marginalized. Thank You Lord for the dissenting voices that You are using to bring us back into balance. Wake us up Lord, raise up intercessors, and place Your people in this mountain of influence to pull down strongholds that exalt themselves against Your Kingdom, and bring peace, justice and righteousness to our nations in Jesus Name Amen

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