Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Go make disciples teaching them to observe all that I commanded you

The idea of making disciples (Greek – learners), is that we should be teaching others to teach others to teach others. The mathematical principle of multiplication two teaching four, four teaching eight etc., with one step each year, takes only thirty years to cover the entire population of the globe. But what are we to teach others to teach others? The answer is here in the great commission “all that I commanded you” (Matthew 28:20). So what exactly did He teach them? We can only look at a sample. The great commission starts with “All authority is given to me,  therefore go ...” (verse 18). But we don't have His authority, or do we? Well in Luke 10:19 Jesus says “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy.” The context of this verse is of Jesus sending out the seventy to heal the sick and say to them, “The kingdom of God has come near to you” (verse 9). Expanding on these instruction, Jesus told the twelve to “raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons.” John Arnott calls this “the beginners list!”

So yes, he has given us authority. And it is sad to me, that there are so many Christians who claim that this authority,  and miracles that follow,  passed away with the completion of the New Testament. “We don't need them now that we have the full Bible” they say! Really, are we that blind to what's happening, and to what is not happening? And if you take this view, you have to ascribe the transformation of the cities we were talking about the other day to the devil. And well, they do! But didn't Jesus answer this when He said “a house divided against itself cannot stand, if Satan casts out Satan .... How then will his kingdom stand?” Moreover “it is by their fruit that you will know them” (Matthew 12:25, 26; 7:16). And where is the fruit? Well, under Heidi Baker's ministry, for example,  over ten thousand churches of new converts were birthed in Mozambique alone! It seems to me very dangerous to ascribe the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan.

On the other hand, we must not be naive, there are many deceivers wino have gone out into the world, and there will always be those who peddle the Word of God for prophet (2 John 7; 2 Corinthians 2:17). It is worth noting that Jesus adds in His instructions to the twelve “You received without paying; give without pay”  (Matthew 19:8 ESV). Abuse is not just with charismatics of course, such people exist in every theological stripe.  And  we are to test all things, but we must also also be careful who,  and how,  we judge (Matthew 7:1). We must all give an account of what we have done in the body, and “to their own master, servants stand or fall” (Romans 14:12, 4).

Father, it is pretty clear that there are charlatans out there, those who do indeed peddle Your Word for prophet.   It's grievous Lord, but it should not be that much of a shock, since Satan himself is able to disguise himself as an angle of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).  Please give us the gift of discernment Father, and help us to be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves in Jesus Name Amen

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