Thursday, May 20, 2021

A companion comparable to him I (Genesis 2:18)

Have you ever felt that people just don't get you?  I take your silence as a yes! I am only just beginning to appreciate the following small part of a prophetic word that was spoken over me in 2006.  I was being told that God was saying to me “I know you. I know you, I know you. I know every hair on your head ....” I think, and this is my opinion, that Adam and Eve in Paradise did not have sex until after the fall (Genesis 4:1 – see also Matthew 22:30). What I think, is that they had something so much better. I  know, it's hard to believe!

You see what I think, is that  sex was God's gift to fallen mankind to partially compensate for what was lost in paradise. And that if we use it in the way He intended us to use it, that is after we have left our parents physically and emotionally,  and after we have cleaved – covenanted with our spouse (Genesis 2:24), then it would partially compensate for the loss of true intimacy of which verse 25 is a picture.  But most of us have squandered and abused His gift,  and in the process developed sexual appetites that are unlikely to match the companion we seek who is comparable to us.  What that means is that one partner is sexually lonely, and the other left feeling inadequate to satisfy the other's need.  But if we both wait until marriage,  we will love one another on the honeymoon,  enough to learn to adjust to each other sexually.  Think of our sexual appetites in the same way we understand our appetite for food.  If we gorge ourselves,  we will stretch our stomach, and will not be satisfied with a meal others might even find too much!

Father, most of us blew it, I did big time. Forgive us Father,  and please redeem our dysfunctional sexual relationships. I know I needed a second virginity, but even then I had to get rid of the addiction, and that is and was a process.   We need Your help Lord. Give us grace to do our part in dealing with our side of the street, and we will give You the glory. Thank You Lord,  that You know us through and through, help us to understand that we are known and loved with a love that passes comprehension in Jesus Name Amen.

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