We are not responsible for the bad things that we receive at the hands of others, but we are responsible for our response to these things. And unless we deal with our hurts in a functional way, we will inevitably end up hurting others. But what does it mean to deal with our hurts in a functional way?
We need to know that among other things, Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted (Luke 4:18). And while I do not wish to undermine in any way the eternal aspect of the gift of life that comes with the gospel, there is an aspect of the gospel that I see many Christians missing out on. In particular many miss out on having their hearts healed.
Last day, I was talking about the benefits of forgiveness, and the need to let go of our victim mentality. Unless we do this, and we need help to do this, at least I did, we will not be healed, we will remain hurt, and inevitably go on to hurt others. it’s helpful to me to realize that those who hurt me were themselves hurt by people who were hurt etc. etc.
It’s not only in families, but it is supremely in families that this happens. In particular the sins of our ancestors impact is deeply (Exodus 20:5). But there is a principal/promise that follows this description of our generational dysfunction. In particular extracting the meaning of the next verse (Exodus 20:6) we are told that we can stop this cycle of hurt by yielding to God, choosing to love Him and our neighbours as ourselves. Jesus puts it this way “if you continue in my word, then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31,32).
Father, these things are not an instant fix. I have learnt that consistent continuing in Your Word, and in obedience to it draws me deeper into Your love. This in turn helps me obey this commandment to love You. Thank You for the healing that You have brought to me, and continue to bring to me. I praise You this morning for You are faithful, and Your Word is true. I bless Your Name in Jesus Name Amen
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