When you speak the truth, even when it’s spoken in love, and it’s received negatively and it is manifestly obvious that the person was not set free by what you said, there is a real tendency to second-guess yourself, at least there is for me. Was the person ready to hear it, was it really out of love that I spoke it, am I laying a guilt trip on them, etc. etc.? The answer to these questions can be yes or no, but the fact that there is a negative reaction should not form the whole basis of our answers.
What I understand the quotation at the head of this post from 2 Corinthians 2:15,16 to be saying, is that the very presence of those who are being saved is an aroma of death to those who are not receiving the truth. There are many forms of death, and one of them is the kind of a death we experience when we are coming to the end of ourselves. You know what I mean, I’m talking about coming to the end of our rope. It feels like death, but it can be the turning point, the crossroads that leads to life (2 Corinthians 7:10). Verse 16 of the above quote ends with the question “Who is sufficient for these things?” I am certainly not, and these things are difficult for me, but I also know that the Lord may be bringing these things to my attention so that I will pray accordingly!
Sometimes, when the impact of what is said may seem to have rolled off the person like water off a ducks back, but it may become obvious later, that what was said has gone deep. This is the case with me this morning, as a fuller impact of what I said is being revealed. And the question “who is sufficient for these things” is actually helpful. And as I brought this to the Lord this morning in fear and trembling I am feeling that I am being told that it is better for this person to have heard what I said, whilst it still possible to do something about it, than for this person on that day to be asked about it when it’s too late. The Scripture says that we will have to give an account for every idle word (Matthew 12:36). For the Christian, we are not talking about salvation here, for “he shall be saved, yet as through fire “ (2 Corinthians 3:14?).
Father, sometimes these things are too heavy to bear, in fact they are impossible to bear alone. But You I promised never to leave us nor forsake us, and I needed to hide myself in You this morning. Lord I know this is all part of the refining process for me. And I thank You Lord for your discipline, and for Your assurance. I thank You too, that I can trust You to redeem my mistakes when I make them. In Jesus Name Amen
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