Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas: It’s all about me!

I snitched this morning’s title from Church on Sunday, but it’s likely not what you think! It is not a guilt trip about our self absorption, it is the message that God is seeking you and me as His treasure. Consider the situation where a man, at considerable risk to himself, jumps into a whirlpool where strong currents are pulling his child into its vortex. It’s not about the behaviour of the child, how good or how bad he is. It’s not about how successful or unsuccessful he is. It’s not about whether the child is worthy or not. It’s not about whether it was the child’s fault for getting too close to the whirlpool. No, it’s all about how valuable the child is to the father, it’s all about the need for the child to be rescued, it’s all about the child.

You probably see where I am going with this, but in any case, let’s suppose the current is so strong no one could possibly swim out. Let’s suppose further that we are all caught up in the powerful currents of the vortex. Nobody can rescue anyone, because we all need to be rescued. We need a superhero, one who is able to pluck us from inevitable destruction. And the fact of the matter is, that we are all in the cesspool of sin, and we all need to be rescued. It’s not about our self absorption, or our behaviour, about earning the right to be rescued, but it is all about us, and our need to be rescued. We need a super hero, one who is strong enough to get us out, and one who even if it is only possible at at considerable cost to himself is nevertheless willing to get us out, but can only do so if we trust Him!

Well by now you know for sure where I am going with this. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whosever puts his or her trust in Him will not perish.” It would be hard to trust some alien landing out of the blue in a spaceship. We would need someone like us, someone who was tempted at all points as we are, yet unaffected by the pollution of sin, someone who demonstrated His love for us in such a way that we knew it was all about us, some superhero with whom we could identify, someone who understood our pain and suffering, someone like Jesus.

Father, all the world loves a baby, and at least for me, You coming as a helpless baby, and then going through all that You went through for me, gets under my radar in a significant way. Yes it is for the rest of the world too, but You want me to know know it is all about me, that I am Your favourite and if I had been the only one who chose to trust You, You would still have come. I don’t know Father, how it can be all about my brother or my sister who is reading this blog, and at the same time be all about me. But Lord I do know that each and every one of us is precious and loved with an everlasting love. And I thank You Father for sending Your Son, and I thank You Jesus for coming, and I worship You this morning Lord, in Your precious and lovely Name Amen

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