Sunday, December 23, 2018

Under the radar

Christmas: For some reason I was remembering this morning a piece on the radio years ago. It was ostensibly a news man reading bad news, news of wars, news of famine, news of man’s inhumanity to man. And playing softly in the background was the Christmas Carol “Silent Night!” It's hard to reconcile all the bad news with the Christmas message “Good tidings of great joy to all people” (Luke 2:10). Related to this, I came across a piece of mail asking for a contribution towards the eradication of trachoma. Trachoma is a totally preventable infection of the eyes that is extremely painful, and leads to blindness if not treated. It is widespread in some developing countries.

Knowing I was wrong, but also knowing that I needed to be real with God, I pounded on His breast with both fists in my mind’s eye, accusing Him “Why don’t you do something?” He always has His arms around me in this scenario, and as I say I know I am wrong even as I’m doing it. He showed me on the outside of the envelope “We have the medicine, you can help us get it to them in time.” The point is that so much of the suffering in the world is totally preventable. I know I can’t do everything, but I can do something, and I can set an example. The alpha story of a boy on the beach taking individual starfish and putting them back into the water comes to mind. There were thousands and thousands of them washed up on the beach. An adult was laughing at the boy. “That’s not going to make any difference.” The boy answers “It makes a difference to this one” as he popped it back into the water.

Concurrently with these thoughts, I’m also seeing in my minds eye otherwise sophisticated adults coochy - cooing and playing peekaboo with newborn infants. For most of us, a newborn baby gets right under the radar of our defences, and our self absorption. And it struck me that the Christmas story is intended to get under our radar. And it will if we let it! And I am reminded again this morning the incredible lengths the Lord went to, and goes to, to not only get our attention, but also to give us the solution to it all.

Father, I am so aware that Christmas is such a difficult time for many, people in prison, people struggling with life-threatening illnesses, people in alcohol or drug infested homes. It is my prayer this morning Lord for myself, and all for whom Christmas is a difficult time, that we would allow you to get under the radar, and to believe that there is coming a time when You will right every wrong, and wipe away every tear. In the meantime Father I ask for Your grace and Your peace and Your hope to guard our hearts in spite of it all. I thank You in advance, and I give You all the honour and glory and praise in Jesus Name Amen

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