Friday, January 18, 2019

The trinity of knowing part (II)

Apologetics (the defense of the faith), is not intended to replace the necessity of faith, but to show that our faith is a reasonable faith. I implied last day, that every worldview can only be held by faith, not necessarily Christian faith, but faith nevertheless. So how could we ever know? I am convinced, that among the various competing views, the Judeo-Christian Scriptures by far best explain reality. For example, all other alternatives to "In the beginning God created everything that is out of nothing" essentially boil down to "In the beginning nothing created everything that is out of nothing". The scriptures also know us best by far, and best shows us how to live. Concerning the last two points, a Canadian psychology professor Jordan Peterson has, using the principle of archetypes, convinced many of the depth of Biblical wisdom. So much so, that some of his followers call themselves Christian atheists. In other words he has convinced them of that the ancient Scriptures contain much wisdom for life.

That the Bible knows us, knows our problems and has solutions to the same, lends credence to the statement that the Scriptures are inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16). But what I want to do this morning, is to look at the trinity of knowing from spiritual perspective. The word Scripture uses to describe itself is logos. The word means “the rational argument,” the Scriptures then correspond to the rational part of our trinity. Intuition can be thought of as the subjective part of knowing, and I relate this to the operation of the Spirit who for example (subjectively) “witnesses to our spirit, that we are the sons of God” (Romans 8:16). In terms of an interconnection between the Spirit and the Word, first of all the word itself was “God breathed” by the Spirit (2 Timothy 3: 16 NIV), and it is the Spirit who illuminates the Scriptures, taking the written (logos) Word and making it come alive (a rhema Word - see John 6:63).

This also relates to the “experience aspect” of our trinity. For example, the Holt Spirit might illuminate a promise from the Scriptures, inviting us to claim it. If we truly believe, since all things are possible to he who believes (Mark 9:23), then when it is fulfilled we come to know by experience, that the promises is true. But experience is intended to play a much larger part than this. The writer to the Hebrews tells that the truth of the gospel was confirmed by the (objective) demonstration of signs and wonders (Hebrews 2:3, 4). I myself have experienced a number of instantaneous miraculous healings in my body. Experiencing the illumination of the (objective) Word (subjectively) by the Spirit is very powerful. It is, I believe something of what the Bible is talking about then it says that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not see" (Hebrews 11:1).

Father, thank You for the ongoing unfolding of revelation knowledge tied to Your Word, and ministered through Your Spirit. A phrase from a song came to mind this morning “the world has yet to see the church in victory.” We are not there yet Lord, and we certainly can’t do it without You! But I am sensing Lord that the prophesied coming revival is near, the revival that will never end. Indeed Father, it has already begun! So I pray even so, come Lord Jesus, do what only You can do. We do not know what to do Lord, but our eyes are on You as we wait, watch, pray and expect Your kingdom to come, Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus Name Amen

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