Saturday, January 26, 2019

Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?

God had accepted Able and his offering, but He had not accepted Cain and his offering. The content of this morning’s title were God’s question to Cain. I have heard sermons on this passage that concentrate on the content of the offerings saying that a blood sacrifice was what was needed here. But there is no mention of sin, and grain and cereal offering were regularly offered and clearly accepted later (Exodus 29:41). It is also to miss the point that it was not only his offering that God did not accept, it was Cain himself. Cain was not only angry, he was very angry (Genesis 4:4-6).

Now anger, in and of itself, was not the problem, since “if you do well you will be accepted” (verse 7). What we do with anger can be a problem, but anger in and of itself is not wrong. In fact Jesus himself was angry at times (Mark 3:5). In fact we are told “Be angry and sin not, do no let the sun go down on your wrath (Ephesians 4:26). In fact, anger can give us the energy and courage to do what otherwise we might not do. Jesus was angry but still fully under control when he cast the money changers out of the Temple. I mean he took the time to make a whip of chords. People were being ripped off, and His anger was a righteous anger (John 2:14-16). That is not always the case with us!

God’s questions, as always, are significant, and He asks Cain why he was angry. We are not told why, but we can make some educated guesses. The older brother in the story of the prodigal son, for example, was offended and likely jealous too (Luke 15:11-28). Perhaps Cain in making his offering was going through the motions, in which case it was how he was presenting the offering, rather than the offering itself. Was he drawing near with his lips, but having a heart far from God (Isaiah 29:13)? But in any case “Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7), and this was clearly a heart matter. Perhaps he was angry with God too, but in any case he would not have been rejected if he had done well (verse 7 again).

Father, all though the Scriptures we see over and over, that You strongly desire relationship with us, and it is clear that we need to keep our hearts with all diligence (proverbs 4:23). Please keep us from offence in whatever form it may come. Your love and passion for us knows no bounds, and a lukewarm response to You simply makes You want to puke (Revelation 3:16). Please fan the flame again of our passion for You again this morning Lord, so that we may fully return to our first love. Thank You that You have provided all we need to do this, and I am knocking and seeking for this again this morning Lord (Revelation 3:15-20) in Jesus Name Amen

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