Saturday, July 4, 2020

Kiss the Son, lest He be angry

....  and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him (Psalm 2:12). This Psalm is clearly messianic, that is it is predictive of Messiah,  of  Christ.  And in case anyone is left in doubt,  the  verse “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You” is quoted in the New Testament and applied to Christ (verse 7; Hebrews 5:5). It is however more about His second coming than the first (Acts 1:11).  In His first coming He came as the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the World (John 1:29). In His second coming He will come with a rod of iron to rule, and He will break in pieces  those who do not kiss the Son, those who do not put their trust in Him, those who do not serve the Lord with fear,  and rejoice with trembling (verses 9, 11, 12). 

The World (the peoples verse 1) is all about breaking free from their bonds and casting away the cords that prevent what it imagines as freedom (verse 3).  It's not true freedom of course, because “he who sins is the slave of sin,” and we reap what we sow  (John 8:34; Galatians 6:7).  It comes at the individual level of course, but also at the level of the nations, and  the rulers thereof (verse 2). Canada was once rightly considered to be a Christian nation, a sheep nation (Matthew  25:32, 33).  This is no longer the case, more and more we see enshrined into the law evil being called good, and good  being called evil, and in keeping with this Psalm, the Bible pronounces a woe on such as do this (Isaiah 5:20).  Concerning Canada day, we were essentially praying that the Lord would turn Canada back from being a goat nation back to a sheep nation. Please agree with us in prayer.

The Psalm opens by asking rhetorically why the nations, the people,  plot a vain thing and take council together against the Lord and His anointed (verses 1, 2. The Name Christ means “the anointed One,” the Messiah).  Vanity is defined as having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements, in this case in the schemes and plotting. History has shown that every empire that exalts itself against God is doomed to destruction. In the face of these schemes and plots the Lord laughs and holds them in derision, but also it causes Him deep displeasure (verses 4, 5).  We need to take comfort and to realize that ultimately we who know and love the Lord are on the winning side. This is perhaps the clearest application that we can take away from the book of revelation, in fact it shouts “We win!”

Father when You tell us to pray “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” we are definitely praying Your will!  So we are praying from victory, not to victory, and we can claim so many of Your promises: “If anyone asks anything according to Your will You will hear us,”  and “If any two (or more) agree as touching anything, it shall be done for us.” And we will give Your the glory. Kingdom come will of God be done on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus Name Amen

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