Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Abraham's hospitality: Angels unaware

In Hebrews 13:2 we read “Do not neglect to entertain strangers, for by doing so, some unawares have entertained angels.” The various  descriptions  of Abraham's visitors - the Lord - three men – they – He - the two angels (Genesis 18:1, 2. 5, 10; 19:1)  is somewhat puzzling. So were they men, were they angels, was this a manifestation of the Trinity?  There are several theophanies  (visible manifestations of  God) in the Scripture. There is one that is  a very clearly the pre-incarnate (before his birth) manifestation of Jesus. Three men were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furness, but four were seen and the fourth was like the Son of God (Daniel 3:25).  It is a mystery, Jesus is the Lamb slain before the foundation of the World (Revelation 3:8).

 I think that the He (upper case H) in this passage (verse 10) is Jesus,  He is Abraham’s  “Lord” (verse 3). The other two were angels (19:1), but was Abraham aware? Some years ago, as a professor in the Faculty club,  a colleague came up to my table and in a loud voice asked me personally if I believe in angels. “Yes,”  I replied, “I'm agnostic (don't know)” he said,  and promptly changed the subject. With no opportunity to talk about it, I could have killed him (not literally). To the others at the table he might as well have asked if I believed in fairies! But angels are real. People I trust tell me they have seen them, wings and all. I've sensed them at times in worship, and have an interesting tale to tell.

I had travelled to Brazil to a conference, and the flight had been delayed sixteen hours.  I arrived at the hotel in time for breakfast, and took the bus to the conference. We came back for lunch.  I needed a nap,  but wanted to go to the 5:00 talk. I decided I knew the way because I had followed in my mind,  the rout the bus had taken. I was wrong!  But I had set out to walk in my sandals,  and after an hour's  I was in trouble.  I was totally lost, my feet were very, very sore, I had no local currency, no phone,  and I did not speak the language. Nobody was about, but after a while I saw this man come out of a building site. “University- dado” I said in an attempt to say University in Portuguese  “Universidade?” he asked. “Si” I replied in Spanish. He did not know, but kindly invited me into his car. We drove round asking people if they knew (he asked), but nobody did. Finally he took me back to the hotel, we got the address and again he kindly drove me to the University. On parting he gave me his business card. I thanked him and he left. When I got back to Canada I wanted to thank him, but in spite of having his card, I could find neither hide not hair of either him or his business.  And I realized an angel had entertained me unawares.

Father, I want to thank You  that You give Your angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways (Psalm 91:11). This was not the first time that I have felt protected in a supernatural way. It seems we all have an angel (Acts 12:15). Help us to so follow You Lord,  that our angels will not be bored. And help us to not neglect hospitality in Jesus Name Amen

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