Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Bible and sexuality

Before we look at the incident in Sodom, I want to say something of what the Bible says about human sexuality. I had to learn the hard way what I now believe, namely that when God says “no,” it is for our provision and protection. We reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7).  Research has clearly shown that there are many risks to promiscuous lifestyles of any stripe.  Putting aside the cost in broken relationships and the annual multi billion dollar cost of sexually transmitted diseases,  there are many other risks and costs. There are the physical, psychological, mental and emotional tolls including climbing suicide rates, even in the so called accepting nations.

Fatherlessness is another consequence of it all, and the children are the ones that get hurt the most. We  live in the most fatherless generation ever, and children from fatherless homes are at a much higher risk of incarceration,  alcohol and drug abuse, suicide  etc., etc. Furthermore they in turn tend to pass these things onto their children (see Exodus 20:5 NKJV please).

Concerning what was going on in Sodom, up until about sixty years ago homosexual practice was,  by and large,  abhorrent to the general population. Homosexuality was illegal, and there was much violence and other injustice against the gay community. Hate and fear (homophobia) was,  and still is,  real. And I want to say up front that that was,  and is,  abhorrent to me. It is profoundly unChristian,  there is no excuse for it, and I soundly condemn it.

Having said that I want to quote Rick Warren “Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.”

God invented sex, it was His idea, and He is not up there asking “What are they doing?” As I say His rules are there for our provision and protection.  And God loves all of us,  no matter what our sexual orientation. Having said that, He hates all sin, and in spite of some serious scripture twisting by some, the Bible make it very clear that sexual immorality of any kind is abhorrent to Him. And yes, hate and homophobia are real, and though they exists,  disagreement is not necessarily either of these things.

I think, largely because of the consequences, the Bible says that any sex outside of one man, one woman in life long committed faithful married relationship is wrong (Galatians 5:19; 1 Corinthians 6:9). You don't have to believe the Bible, you don't have to agree with it's teaching. But please don't make a Biblical no into a yes, please don't try and make it says what it does not say. And there are may ways people do that, it is part of our rationalization, and excuse making. On that day however rationalization and excuses will be  seen for what they truly  are (Romans 1:18-20).

Not saying it's easy, but there is hope for those who want to leave or escape those lifestyles. The Scripture says it clearly “such were some of you” (1 Corinthians 6:11). What perhaps disturbs me most,  is the way former adherents are treated,  that and the move to legislate against the possibility of those with unwanted same sex desires getting help.  And I have to ask does that not itself spring from hate, fear and intolerance, the very things of which we are accused?

Father, what is very clear to me, is that You love everybody, and so should we. Forgive us where we have failed. The tyranny of Political correctness has intimidated many of us into silence.  We see many who trapped by it all and who want to escape, but they are not allowed, and it is denied that it is possible. But with You all things are possible (Mark 19:26).  Help us Lord to be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves, help us to know how and when to speak Your truth in love,  in Jesus Name Amen

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