Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Eve deceived: The heart of the matter is the heart

If we think we cannot be deceived, we already are. I mean why would the Scriptures tell us not to be deceived (Galatians 6:7),  if it were not possible? The Bible links deception, faith and heart matters together. “Make sure that you do not have an evil unbelieving heart, so that you will not be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” (Hebrews 3:12, 13).  It startled me, to learn that God regards unbelief as evil. But consider that Eve's unbelieving heart (the mind and the emotions) lead to her disobedience (Genesis 3:1-6), that that allowed sin and evil to enter humanity,  and then to quickly escalate exponentially from there (Genesis 4ff).  “Sin’s deceitfulness” is what the World call rationalization. If we want to do something even if it's wrong,  we will find a thousand reasons to tell ourselves why it's okay. It's  called self deception.  'Been there, done that,  bought the T-shirt!

Consider also Jesus' Words that evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander, that all these things  originate in the heart (Matthew 15:19).  There is evidence that thoughts lead to actions, that actions lead to habits, and habits form our character. Perhaps this is why Jesus tells us that looking at a woman lustfully is the same as committing adultery (Matthew 5:28). Interestingly, we have learnt through Dr. Caroline Leaf (Youtube) and others, that every thought has an emotion attached, and that persistent thoughts carve out neural pathways in the brain. Positively,  neural pathways produce shortcuts in the brain that allow humanity the incredible skills we have,  such skill as reading or playing musical instruments etc. Negatively they lead to addictions, and emotions,  such as anger,  are amplified and established as recurring patters simply by our obsessing on things. Who would have known the Bible understood all this thousands of years ago?

We are warned to guard our hearts diligently, and to do so because out of the heart flow the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). In particular we need to declare war in negativity. The believer is not left without help in this area. Based on Romans 8:13 and Galatians 5:24 I have often prayed “Lord help me to do my part in putting to death the deeds and the desires of the sinful nature.” We are to do these things “by the Spirit.”  In particular self control is part of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:23). And the fruit grows as we abide in the vine of His love  (John 15:5, 9).  I am reminded of a recovering saying here “half measures availed us nothing.” It seems to me that there is no one more miserable than a half committed believer.  We can't even enjoy our sin! Paul would say that Christ died in order that those of us who live should no longer live for ourselves, but for Him who died for us and rose again (2 Corinthians 5:15).

Father, one little transgression and the world was plunged into sin. If You are not Lord of all, You are not Lord at all!  As to deception Father,  Your Word is living and powerful, and sharper than any double edged sword. It discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). So Lord, please help us Lord to hide Your Word in our hearts so that we might not sin against You (Psalm 119:11). Truly the heart of the matter is the heart. With Your help Lord, we commit to keep it with all diligence,  in Jesus Name Amen

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