Thursday, November 29, 2018

Part 2 The “reality” I live in feels real, even if it's a lie!

Have you ever wondered why some people can be so sure that they are right, when you are equally sure they are wrong? I have friends who call what I believe propaganda. But I have the very same thought about what they believe. And this is so widespread, that it is no wonder that the world believes that there is no answer to the question “What is truth?” But nobody can live as if there is no truth, well nobody I know does! I mean if we really believed that all truth is relative, then why would we get angry an hateful at other people’s “truth”?

Modern research into the brain, is giving insight into the connection between what we think and what we feel. In particular scientists have learned that every thought comes with an attached feeling. Thoughts and feeling cannot be separated, and the one re-enforces the other in a kind of feedback loop. So for example when we respond to something in anger and we "meditate" on what triggered it, the anger grows together with the belief that we are right and the other person completely wrong (been there!). In light of this, since “The wrath of man does not work the righteousness of God” (James 1:20), it is prudent to obey the command to “Not let the sun go down on your wrath” (Ephesians 4:26).

Our passionate beliefs inevitably effect the way we live our lives. And since it is true that we suppress the truth by unrighteousness (Romans 1:18?), our belief system, in addition to the above, is reinforced by our “deeds done in the body.” This is perhaps seen most clearly in denial and/or guilt. In particular, in order to come into the light, we have to admit that we are wrong, and own up to the fact that our actions have likely caused not only ourselves, but others a great deal of pain. I am seeing this as a kind of investment in our denial. I am also convinced, that all of us are in denial at some level about something! And the greater the denial, the greater the pain involved in coming out of it! But Jehovah sneaky has a way of getting behind this. And one of the ways He does this is to get behind our defences by showing us our potential through prophetic words that build up, strengthen and encourage (1 Corinthians 14:3).

Father, our egos are so fragile! And this is probably one of the reasons why it is so difficult to admit it when we are wrong. It is oh so painful to have to own up to our inadequacies, especially if that involves coming to terms with the pain we may have caused others. We will not likely do this unless we can find a safe place. You are a safe place Lord, because Your love for us is unconditional, and your forgiveness free and generous. But we need safe places down here too. And part of what makes a community safe is the willingness to see the good in each other. We find this hard Lord, I do! And I am beginning to see that Your prophetic word spoken through us is useful not only for the one receiving the word, but also for the rest of us, as it helps us to see others as You see them. And You see the good, because You see them in Christ. Thank You, thank You, thank You Lord in Jesus Name Amen

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