Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Part (5) Believe God and be established; believe His prophets, and prosper

For those who have eyes to see, the Lord often uses the “coincidence” of the same numbers coming to our attention multiple times. And when this happens, there is almost always something He wants to say to us. Sometimes the numbers are attached to a verse he highlights, and this is the case this morning's quote from 2 Chronicles 20:20. What I have “seen” three times over the last few days, is the combination 20 – 20, and the connection with sight. And I felt the Lord saying that if we fully process this verse, it will give us 20-20 spiritual vision.

Belief and obedience are strongly linked in the Scripture (c.f. Hebrews 3:18, 19), and believing and obeying are part of what I mean by processing the verse. Peter tells us that he who lacks the biblical virtues of 2 Peter 1:5- 7, is “nearsighted to the point of blindness, having forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins” (verse 9). I remember a young woman in the Caffe Years ago, saying to me “I don’t believe adultery is wrong!” I looked her in the eye and said not unkindly “That’s because you want to do it.” She could not quite hide her guilty as charged smile. In fact that is a prime example of what it means to suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18). In secular parlance, we call it rationalization! Once I too was blinded by my desires, but I am seeing more clearly now!

I was quite discouraged this morning at the start of my quiet time. But as I came to Him, He reminded me of this verse, and its somewhat hidden connection to 20-20 spiritual vision. And as I continued to sit with Him, I remembered a prophetic word over me to the effect that He would open up His Word to me in a new way; and that it would not just be for me, but for others too. And in line with the purpose of a prophetic word (1 Corinthians 14:3), this encouraged me to press in, and to write down some of my thoughts. And it also encouraged me to take my eyes off where He does not seem to be working at this point in time, and to look for where He is working. And if nothing else, I can see that He is working in me, and I “see” once again, that I am the only one, that with His help, I can change!

Father, You knew that I was quite discouraged this morning. But I knew that if I came to You and spent both quality and quantity time with You, You would give me fresh bread. And as You promised Lord, this bread is not just for me, it’s for others. So I pray for myself and all those reading these posts, that You will help us to do our part in coming to You morning by morning, and in meditating upon Your Word. I am sensing that You are telling us Lord, that this will not only give us 20-20 spiritual vision, but also that it will establish and prosper us. And I praise and bless and worship You again this morning Lord, in Jesus Name Amen

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