Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The fruit of the Spirit (II)

I was saying in the last post on this topic, that our having the fruit of the spirit in our lives, and our putting to death the sinful nature are closely linked (Galatians 5:22-24). The evil One can imitate the gifts, and the signs of the Kingdom (2 Thessalonians 2:9), but he cannot re-produce the fruit of the Spirit. For this reason, in distinguishing the fake from genuine Jesus tells us “By their fruit you will know them” (Matthew 7:15-23). And because if this, the Evil One will seek to bring people and circumstances into our lives with the intent to provoke the very opposite “fruit,” anger, wrath, malice, bitterness, and in fact all the works and attitudes of the flesh. So we need to learn to walk in the Sprit (to stay vitally connected with Him in an ongoing basis) in this way we will not fulfill the wrong desires of the sinful nature (Galatians 5:16-21).

The Amplified Bible helps us to understand what it means to “walk in the Spirit.” It translates the relevant part of verse 16 as “But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit].” So then in full awareness that our struggle is not against people and circumstances (Ephesians 6:12), we need to see every negative circumstance as an opportunity to practice appropriating one aspect of the fruit of the Spirit. Do you find someone hard to love? Here is an opportunity to practice allowing Holy Spirit to love through you (we cannot do it on our own - I cannot!). Have you ever said “He/she makes me mad?” Here is an opportunity, by the Spirit, to practice self control.

Does all this seem impossible? Remember I said last day that wresting with these things empowers them. And in essence, this brings us to the first step of twelve-step programs, namely our need to admit our powerlessness in a particular area (so note, the twelve steps are not just about substance abuse, but about any hurt, habit or hangup!). It also brings us to one of the many advantages we have when our higher power is the God of the Bible. In particular we have the Spirit to help us do our part in putting to death the deeds and the desires of the flesh” (Romans 8:13; Galatians 5:24 again). In the sort of situation we are discussing here, it is likely many times we do not want to do what we know we should. We may need to forgive, but our hearts may want vengeance. We may need to be gentle, but we want to blast them out of the water. At such time I pray something along the following lines:-

“Father, I confess to You that the very last thing I want to do right now is the very thing I know that You would have me do. So I ask You to help me to be willing to be willing to do my part in, by Your Spirit putting to death both the deeds and desires that I know are not of You. Thank You that as I grit my teeth and choose, entirely contrary to my flesh, to submit and as much as is within me to obey, that You will give me both the desire and the wherewithal to respond as You would have me respond (Philippians 2:12,13). And Father, in each situation, please enable the appropriate fruit of Your Spirit to grow as I practice it, in Jesus Name Amen”

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