Thursday, June 27, 2019

The heart of the matter, is the heart (VII) Know my anxieties

If I was want to be anxious, there is no shortage of things about which I could be anxious!  And the command to not be anxious (Philippians 4:6) is often easier said than done.  But the  part of the prayer (Psalm 139:23, 24)  that we are discussing this morning,  is essentially inviting the Lord into those things that cause us anxiety.  And  I am reminded again  that fretting only causes harm (Psalm 37:6). When my heart is overwhelmed  I cry out to the Lord,  and I pour it all our to Him  (Psalm 142: 3, 1,2). In order to stop being anxious, we need to replace it with prayer, supplication and thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6 again).  In this regard, the gift of tongues this can be very helpful, especially if you do not know what or how to pray. Tongues bypasses the mind,  and frees up the Spirit to make intersession for us with groanings  which cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26).

One of the strengths of twelve-step programs, is the fellowship of those in recovery. When we know that we are all the same, and come together to the foot of the cross, then  it is so much easier to be open and vulnerable and confess our faults (James 5:16). But there is no doubt about it, recovery is messy. This is especially true for those coming out of deep addictions and/or trauma, where the anxiety level can be high. In such cases in the early stages there is a tendency to lurch from one crisis to another. This can be infectious, and there is a danger of some in the fellowship being dragged into other people’s crises.  This is where those who have been on the journey longer can take them aside. and be a stabilizing influence.

But no matter how mature you are,  this danger is still present.  We all  need to be growing in the skill of dealing Biblically with anxiety. As I say, anxiety is infectious, but if I allow myself to be dragged down in the other person's  pit,  then it will take all my energy and recovery skills to get up myself! In such a state I will be essentially useless to help the other person.  When this happens,  and it certainly has happened to me in the past, I am likely taking on too much responsibility. In such cases I will need (I needed) to resign as the caretaker of the universe!  And I may need to gently detach.  When we need to do this, it is good to pray with the person saying “I am going to need to go in a minute, but let  me pray for you and lift this up to the Lord together." We may then need to be firm "I really do need to go, we can talk later!"  What I am saying, is that I need to know my limits and have good boundaries. I have not always done this well!

Father, the World is full of hurting people Lord, and many times you call us to help. But in the illustration of the oxygen masks coming down on the plane, I need to put my mask on first.  And Lord I need to know my limits, and so I pray a  serenity type prayer again this morning. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage and the wisdom to help when I can, and to know myself well enough to know when to gently detach and when to stay in Jesus Name Amen"

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