Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Every thought captive: The war on negativity (iV) Thoughts and words

If we are to win the war on negativity, we will need to allow the Lord to deal with our hearts, thoughts and language. The verse “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45) comes to mind. And what seems to be relevant to our theme, is that what comes out of our mouths when we are crossed or in distress, is a real indicator of the what is going on in our hearts. We talked earlier about when someone crosses us that we need to come against the offence and/or the offender in the opposite spirit (June 23). What I want to say this morning, is that we need to deal with the root of these things. Earlier we considered the weapons of our Christians hope, of a heavenly perspective and the need to practice, practice practice. And what we need to practice is thinking and speaking in a positive mode.

I likely need to say again that we are not talking here about the power of positive thinking. Certainly there is power in the declaration of Biblical truth, but there is a big difference between pretending, and practicing what is true. And part of what we practice is thinking on “whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and of good report” (Philippians 4:8). If we are having a hard time finding such things to think about, we can always turn to the virtues of our amazing beautiful God, to the character of Jesus, to the hope of heaven, and to the heroes of the faith. We  also need to capture self doubt and stop saying things like “I could never do that.” We  replace such thoughts  with “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). We need to stop beating ourselves up when we blow it. So that when we have confessed our sin, we can dwell on the reliability of His promise to forgive and cleans us (1 John 1:9).

And then there are the put downs,  that we have all likely received from time to time. “You are just like your father, he was no good and neither are you!” We need to take such thoughts and words captive. It is a question of moving into, and embracing, our identity in Christ. We need to think and to say “I am loved by almighty God.” We can make it a prayer “Father, I am Your beloved son (daughter), and You are well pleased with me.” This last one is true, because God has no favourites (Romans 2:11), so then what He says to Jesus He says to us (Mark 1:11). But you say “I don’t feel it.” Well, remember that thoughts come with emotions attached, and if you believe that you are junk, you will feel like junk. This is why we need to take every thought (and so every emotion) captive to the truth. And the truth is God don’t make no junk! And we need to practice such truths until we believe them, and then practice them because we believe them.

Father, when we have spent our whole lives in negativity, we will not overcome these things in a day. There are times Lord when we will likely need to say “I am choosing to believe, please help my unbelief.” Thank You again Lord for Your help and patience in these things (Philippians 2:13). Help us Lord to care more about what You think about us than what others do. And You think we are amazing in Jesus Name Amen

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