Saturday, July 6, 2019

Salvation is free, the abundant life will cost you everything (I) Access

Unbelievers sometimes ask “If salvation is free, and you don’t have to earn it, then why can’t you live how you like, and do anything you want?” Into this Paul asks “Shall we continue to sin that Grace may abound?” No English translation of his response expresses the absolute repugnance he feels at the thought (Romans 6:1, 2). Quite apart from the lack of repentance necessary for salvation in such an attitude (Mark 1:15), the Scripture tells us not to be “deceived, God cannot be mocked whatsoever and man sows, that will he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). In fact many are deceived. Some led by their sinful nature, do whatever their heart desires, then wonder why life does not go well. Some are caught up in negativity, blame or unforgiveness quenching the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19).  They wonder why they are always wrestling, wresting, wrestling. Yes salvation is free, but the abundant life will cost you everything you are,  and have (John 10:10b). In particular it will not happen unless we present our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1).

The aspect of salvation I am taking about in the title is justification, that is  saved, free from the penalty of sin, and  at peace with God. And being justified, we have access by faith through Jesus Christ, into the grace in which we stand (Romans 5:1,2). An important aspect of this access is to an encounter with the love of God that has already been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (verse 5). But we need His Grace, His help to negotiate the obstacle course that our enemy throws up to prevent us taking advantage of the access we have already been granted. Another way to describe this is as a maze in which there are many false turns. Romans 5:1-5 describes the obstacles, or correct turns in the maze,  that we need to negotiate in order to access an encounter with God’s love.

Actually God's love in our hearts is already there (note the tense “has been poured out” in verse 5). The obstacles however, prevent us from feeling it! And we are intended to feel it!. The obstacles to overcome,  and correct turns take,  are outlined in the progression:- rejoicing in hope of the glory of God, glorying in tribulations, knowing that it produces perseverance  producing character and  hope (verses 2-4). The steps, rejoicing in hope, glorying in tribulations, are not a baby steps, but they are essential and come over and over in the scripture (i.e. Philippians 4:4; James 1:2). We need the perspective we were talking about last day. In particular we need to know that in the midst of it all He is polishing our character to make us more like Jesus,  and to make us fruitful (Romans 8:28,29). The more we submit to this the more we will  encounter  the wonder of His love that is already there in our hearts.  It’s about progress here,  not perfection. The important thing, when we have blown it, is to repent and  turn back into His embrace.

Father, I want to thank You this morning for Your love has already been poured out. Help us Lord to continue the journey of pushing through the maze and the obstacles that the evil one throws in our path.  Thank You Lord  for the grace to continue and that greater is He who is in us, than He who is in the World in Jesus Name Amen

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