Saturday, July 27, 2019

Love God with all your heart, mind soul and strength (I) Fulfillment

I have observed in human relationships, that many times the one who loves the least, has the most power. Now it is part of our fallen human nature that we are all selfish at heart. And part of this, is that it is our nature to eventually abuse that power. It can start off pure, “this is the best thing for the relationship,” but then quickly turn into “this is best for me.” After all what is best for me, is best for the relationship right? When this happens, there seems to be a tendency for the one with the power, to despise and disrespect the other, and then for the love for the weaker person to die. It is too simplistic to say women love and men dominate, because there are obvious exceptions. But at least historically, the tendency seems to be in this direction. Perhaps this is why the husband is commanded to love, and the wife to respect (Ephesians 5:33).

In human relationships then, the one who loves less can manipulate and control, and in denial that this is happening, finish up with a sense of entitlement and/or “my way or the highway!” One of the objections to the gospel is that if salvation is free, then I can do anything I want, and still be saved. Well certainly between God and us, we are are the one who loves the least. And I would be lying if I did not admit that I have known those who name the Name of Christ who seem to  feel entitled. But if you think you can manipulate or control God, you had better think again. Remember, we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7). In human relationships when we obey the command to submit to each other, learn to fight well and obey the commands of Scripture, then as iron sharpens iron so we sharpen one another (Proverbs 27:17). When we do this,  we avoid the above trap.

In human relationships, I have also observed (partly through self observation), that the one with the most power,  is also the least fulfilled. I think there can be no one more miserable than a half committed Christian. You can’t even enjoy your sin! What I am saying, is that God gives us the command to love Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength (Matthew 22:37),  because He knows that that is what will most fulfill us. The happiest human relationships seem to be those where there is love, respect, honesty, transparency and total life long commitment. It is the same with our relationship with the Lord! The Word tells us that we love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). And part of what this means,  is that our ability to love at all is, whether we acknowledge it or not, is a response to His love. And as we love and obey Him, we clear away the obstacles that hinder our feeling (encountering) that love.

Father, Your love is constant, passionate and unchanging. But as with Adam and Eve,  when we sin our automatic response is to hide. And most of us, for most of our lives, have been  hiding from Your love. Thank You Lord, for Your promise that if we immerse ourselves in  obedience in Your Word, we will know the truth and it will set us free (John 8:31,32). Part of  this Lord, is to choose day by day to love You with all that we are and have,  in Jesus Name Amen

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