Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I will deliver him because he has clung to Me in love

In Psalm 68:19, we are told that the Lord daily loads us down with benefits. The Psalm we are looking at this morning  (91) outlines who is it that is loaded down in this way, and what we need to do to fully tap into it. I mean some of it is automatic, for example He daily gives us breath. In the earlier part of this morning’s Psalm, we are told that the one who hides himself in the Most High,  will dwell under His shadow. Part of this, is that He will protect us  like a mother hen protects her chicks. Another part is the protection afforded by His Truth (verse 4). Disaster may be on the right hand and on the left, but Your dwelling will be protected (verse 7). But it's not just protection when we cling to Him,  it's deliverance (verse 14a).

Most of us, because we have not always clung to Him, have come out from under His protection, and the enemy has come in and,  at various levels,  has killed, stolen and destroyed. And when this is the case, we need, like the widow in the story of the unjust judge (Luke 18:2-8) to storm heaven night and day with our petitions. One of the ways to do this, is to pray this Psalm, and in fact praying a Psalm like this is part of what it mean to cling to, and  hide ourselves in Him. We might pray “Lord You have told me that no evil will come near my dwelling, but it has Lord, and You promised here that You will deliver me” (verses 10, 14). Because, by His Spirit He underlined Isaiah 38:4 for me, I have often prayed “You have heard my prayers and seen my tears,  I  declare  deliverance.” 

The verb translated “clung to Me in love” (verse 14a)  is the same one used in Genesis 2:25 telling that a man should cleave to his wife. It speaks of the intended intimacy with God, and sheds light on verse 1 which, in other translations speaks about the secret place. The secret place is not primarily physical, though it is good to get into our “prayer closets.” One of the pictures I have of this , is the ways spouses in loving relationship can communicate with a glance  across a crowded room. The secret place is available 24/7 no matter where we are, no matter what is happening. And He will set you on high in that place because, as we do this, we increasingly come to know His Name,  which  is the same as knowing Him (verse 14b).

Father, You have promised to answer me when I call, to be with me in trouble, to deliver me and to honour me (verse 15). Lord though I am far from blameless You honoured me in Your time, when I was falsely accused. You used the disasters  Lord to cause me to cry out to You as my only hope, And I discovered Lord, that You are a sure hope, and a very present help in time of need. And You have underlined the promise for me in verse 16 that You will satisfy me with long life. I know You are not finished with me yet Lord, and I thank You for that. So Father please encourage anyone reading this who is not quite there yet, please give them hope, faith and love as their circumstances causes them to hide themselves in You. In Jesus Name Amen

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