Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Culture wars (XIII) Things that bring meaning, hope, purpose and fulfillment

We can all get stuck in our little bubbles, both the left and the right! This post is inspired by Jordon Peterson, who seems to have captured the attention of many of the younger generation. They testify that by listening to him, and putting his advice into practice, they have found meaning and improved their lives. Meaninglessness comes with the territory of believing we are nothing but a collection of cells that  arrived here by meaningless random process. When we believe this, our suffering is also meaninglessness, and there's a tendency to get resentful, cruel, even homicidal. Peterson claims that we can find meaning in life by accepting responsibility for our lives. As  motivation, rather than mere obligation, he suggests we look to  those we admire, and observe that almost all of them have taken on a heavy burden of responsibility. In this way, they have found something to aim for, something that gives  life meaning and purpose.

 Clearly we can all improve, and be a better versions ourselves. And if taking responsibility for our  situations can bring meaning, then there is a path to follow, a way to find it. And it brings hope! Peterson tells that when, in his lectures, he outlines this route to find meaning, the whole room goes quiet as it absorbs this “revolutionary” truth. I don’t know where Peterson stands with the Lord, but it seems to me that knowingly, or unknowingly he is pointing out Biblical truth. In particular he is demonstrating that embracing traditional (and so Biblical) values, brings meaning and hope to a World that has swallowed the lie that life has no meaning. It’s called Nihilism, the view that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value. I have been saying in this blog, that Bible based inner healing moves us towards life in all its fullness.  Since life in all its fullness includes finding meaning and hope,  Peterson is pointing out part of what we need to to to find it.

Even if you have never heard of Nihilism its philosophy of meaningless, together with its underlying assumption that God does not exist, cuts deep into our culture. But because life without meaning is intolerable, people are desperately seeking to find meaning anywhere. One of these ways  is  tearing down Western civilization,  and replacing its structures  with the hierarchy of victimhood. Sure Western democracy is not perfect, but is it only bad when compared to a fairy tale utopia, that has been shown to fail miserably in the genocide of the last centenary. Others seek to bury themselves by self medicating in various ways, becoming addicted in the process. Peterson, while pointing a way out of this downward spiral of Nihilism, is merely scratching the surface of what's possible. The Westminster confession puts it this way “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”  Since we also  find purpose and meaning in relationships,  and we find them supremely in relationship with the most beautiful, loving, caring empowering person in the Universe, our Trinitarian God.

Father, I want to thank You this morning for those who, in various stages of their journey, are prepared to engage in open respectful dialogue while at the same time seeking to learn. I thank You for people like Ben Shapiro, Jordon Peterson, Dennis Prager,  Dave Rubin and Candace Owens etc. Help them, and us Lord, to come more and more into a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. In Jesus Name Amen

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