Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The whole armour of God (IX) Praying always with all kinds of prayer and supplication in Spirit

The word “praying,” in this morning's quote from (Ephesians 1:18),  continues Paul’s long rambling sentence, which starts in verse 14 with “stand having girded... .” It continues the description of the parts of the armour in which we are called to stand. It is therefore part of the armour. “Always” emphasizes the ongoing nature of the injunction to pray. Supplication is about seeking, asking and making requests to God. All kinds of prayer would, of course, include supplication, but is not restricted to it. It includes worship, thanksgiving, intercession, praying in tongues (see below). It also includes the 24/7 prayer and worship movement the Lord is raising up at this time all over the globe. In the States there are over a thousand prayer rooms and houses of prayer with a vision for continual prayer and worship. Each has its own expression and part to play. There are four different 24/7 houses of prayer in Jerusalem alone. 

In fact it was prophesied that in the last days God would “raise up David’s fallen tabernacle” (Amos 9:11). David’s tabernacle had four thousand singers and musicians who were exclusively employed for “day and night” worship and praise” (1 Chronicles 23:5; 9:33). Sometimes know as harp and bowl. it  combines prayer (the bowl of Revelation 8:4), and worship (the harp). I'm most familiar with the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPK). I visited there in 2007 after I had heard that 24/7 prayer had been already been going continuously for already eight years at that time. I was fascinated because up until then prayer had been boring for me. It was inspiring and motivating! I am not saying I’ve arrived but since then have experienced a new intimacy with God in prayer. I know that not everyone has the resources to do this sort of thing. But rather than ask God to bless what we are doing, I am a strong advocate of finding out what God is blessing, and with His leading get on board with it. The resulting manifestations of such things are usually unique in some way.
If “all kinds of prayer” is part of the armour, then so is praying in tongues. To see praying in tongues is Biblical, note that Paul prayed (and sang) in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:14). Of course when he did so, his understanding was unfruitful (verse 15). To me this clearly links tongues to “many times we do understand what we should pray ... but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings we cannot express in words (Romans 8:26 see Thayer on “cannot be uttered”). I know in my own journey, tongues has given me relief when I either didn’t know what to pray, or I am tied in knots emotionally. But I'm not saying tongues is the only way that the Spirit intercedes for us in groanings. I have been in prayer meetings where someone had an almost unbearable burden, that manifested itself in groaning and/or weeping. All of this and more is likely, in my opinion, tied up in the phrase “groanings that we cannot express in words.”
Father, it is such a difficult, yet exciting time to be alive and a Christian. I never cease to be amazed at what You are doing in the earth in these days, and I want to thank You, that You call each and every one of us to partner with You, as You increasingly cover the earth with the Glory of God. I praise and bless Your this morning Lord in Jesus Name Amen

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