Friday, November 29, 2019

Holistic Biblical discipleship: The inward, upward and outward journeys

The fallout from the fall (Genesis 3:1-7), includes four alienations (four breaches of peace). They are the alienation of man from God, the alienation of man from man, the alienation of man from himself, and the alienation of man from the created order. The alienation of man from God manifested itself in hiding, in Adam’s case he hid among the trees of the garden (verse 8). Silly really, no one can hide himself from God (Jeremiah 23:24). The manifestation of man's alienation from man started with Adam blaming both the woman and God, for his sin (verse 12) and progressed from there. The alienation of man from himself manifests itself in the whole variety of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems that, at some level, we all have. The manifestation of the alienation man from the created order is the reality that ground brings forth both thorns and thistles, and in the blood sweat and tears of our struggles (verses 17,18). Salvation history documents the work God has wrought to accomplish reconciliation in all four of these alienations. And what I am calling holistic, Biblical discipleship is about us learning to do our part in cooperating with God in His primary purpose which is redemption in these four areas (Ephesians 1:10; Romans 8:19).

John Arnott describes this as being inward, upward and outward journeys. I think of the inward and upward components as being represented by the vertical beam of the cross. Taken together they comprise our relationship with God and with ourselves. The horizontal cross piece, represents our relationship with others, discipling each other, and the nations, in the stewardship of God. Discipleship of the Christian is most effective when he is abiding at the foot of the cross, in humble appreciation of all that the cross accomplished for us, and in us. Paradoxically when we abide there, we are in a real sense seated with Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). It is from this place of security, that the Lord sends us out to disciple first our individual Jerusalems, then our Judeas, our Samarias and ultimately the uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 1:8).

Whether we know it or not, whether we are in Chris or not, one way or another, we are variously seeking these reconciliations. Secular Psychology is essentially seeking to reconcile man with himself, but without the help and healing we get in partnership with God. Much of it, without it being realized is based on Biblical principles given thousands of years earlier! Many twelve step programs speak of a higher power, but if it's not Christ, it will not produce fullness of life (John 19:10). Likewise we expect fullness of life if we do not do the hard work of this reconciliation. It's called inner healing! Much of the church is either ignorant of it, or dismissive of it. What I am saying, is that if this aspect of reconciliation is not incorporated into discipleship, then it's not utilizing the whole council of God (Acts 20:27), and it's not what I am calling holistic discipleship!

Father, only You understand why the church is so resistant to tapping into all that You did in sending sent Jesus to heal the broken hearted, and to set the captives fee (Luke 4:18). But it's hard work Lord, so please help us to enter into it, or to enter more fully. I'm not willing to settle for anything less than the fullness of life You call us to. It's a process Lord, so please continue Your work in us, in Jesus Name Amen

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