Friday, November 23, 2018

Believe in His prophets and you shall prosper: Chronicles 20:20 Part (4)

I was talking yesterday with a Pastor friend of mine about prophecy, and he told me one of the reasons he had not embraced it, was because he and others, had had bad experiences with it. But this is to throw out the baby with the bathwater! There is much to say, and the first thing is that this is one of many, many the enemy has robbed us of, over the years (John 10:10a). But God has been restoring them. First of all through Luther and others, He restored the rightful place of the Scriptures. He has restored missions, the place of the Holy Spirit, and more recently, the Fatherhood of God (this through the so called Toronto blessing and other moves). The needed restoration of His Fatherhood is to what is probably the most spiritually orphaned generation there ever was.

I have always felt that, while we must not be naive, we do need to be open to what the Lord is doing through streams in the Church, other than our own. The Scripture puts it this way “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good (1 Thessalonians 5:19-21). In accordance with this philosophy, I visited the International House of prayer at Kansas City in 2007. I wanted to check out the 24/7 prayer meeting that at that time, had been going on for eight years. I was fascinated, because prayer for me was somewhat boring. But I digress, what I want to say it that I received a prophetic word there to the effect that I have a book in my bowls. Well perhaps I am constipated, because if it is true, it must still be there (at lest the time of writing) in my bowls.

In the coming days, I want to talk about the need in receiving a prophetic word to discern, to have the word confirmed, and having done so, to press in. The first thing I need to say though, is just because the fulfillment does not happen in our desired time, does not mean it was not an accurate word. In terms of discernment, the word I am talking about resonated with me, since I have always wanted to write. But I struggled with my “constipation” for years, changing titles, writing and rewriting introductions and chapters etc., etc. I could not find my focus. Finally I decided to write a blog, which at first was spasmodic. Then about a year and a half ago, after attending a prophetic conference, I got a new impetus for my blog which I now write almost every day. More recently a sister in the Lord asked me “Why don’t you write up these posts as a book?” This is a long overdue confirmation, and all I need to do now is to press in!

Father, Your Word tells us that the purpose of New Testament prophecy is for building up, for encouragement and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3). And You used the above prophetic word, which I believed, to enable me at least to not give up, if not always to persist. Lord we all need building up, encouragement and comfort, and my sense (if I am right) is that this is why You are leading me to blog on this much neglected subject. The coming days will either confirm this or not!In any case I need Your help to press in with the blog, in Jesus Name Amen

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