Thursday, July 29, 2021

The image of God III: Authority, freedom, dignity and responsibility

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image ... let them rule ...  over all the earth ....” (Genesis 1:26). The rule (authority) given to mankind in paradise came with  freedom (you may eat of every tree in the garden except ......  - 2:16, 17); dignity (the Lord brought the animals to Adam to see what he would name them – 2:19); stewardship and responsibility (to tend the ground and obey – 2:15, 17). All this of course is before the fall (chapter 3). Post fall we read that Satan is the ruler of this world (John 12:31).  He  tells Jesus “all this authority was delivered” to him (Luke 4:6).  

Satan has used this authority to take unbelievers captive to do his will (2 Timothy 2:26). He promises freedom without responsibility, licence without consequences. It's a lie! The truth is “he who commits sin is the slave of sin” (John 8:34).  And Jesus promises true freedom to those who abide in His Word,  hold fast to His teachings,  and live in accordance with them (John 8:31 AMP).  The well know Canadian Psychologist and speaker Jordon Peterson tells that when he talks about the need to take responsibility,  the room goes quiet. It’s as if the need to take responsibly is a huge revelation. But freedom and responsibility, victory and obedience are linked together all though the Bible, so that this “revelation” is hardly new!   It's insanity – we kick God out of every area of life and then wonder why the world is going to hell in a hand basket. We are reaping what we have sown (Galatians 6:7). The Bible is right, what a surprise!

Authority was delivered to Satan  (Luke 4:6 again) because of sin.  It could only be taken back by perfect obedience. The principle is explained in the parable where we read “the master will make that faithful and wise stewards ruler over his household” (Luke 12:42). Jesus was the only perfect, sinless man (2 Peter 2:22; James 3:2). And it's one of the reasons the Son of God,  had to come in the flesh, so He could take back the authority that was lost at the fall. We read from Jesus that “All authority has been given unto Me in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18). As the One holding all authority, He can give it to whom He will, and He tells His disciples “Look I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19). Disciples are sheep who follow sacrificially, who walk according to the Spirit, and not according to the sinful nature, and who by the Spirit,  put to death the deeds of the body (John 10:4; Luke 14:27; Romans 8:4, 13).  We need to learn to tap into this commissioning, and so to do our part in bringing  the Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 28:20; Luke 11:2)!

Father, wake up Your church, wake me up,  to tap into the authority that at such great expense You purchased for us on the cross. You have given us mighty spiritual weapons to tear down Satan's strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). The world has yet to see what You can do with a committed church. Bring us out of fear, apathy and unbelief.  Use us Lord to bring Your Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven in Jesus Name Amen

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Image of God II: Regaining our identity

Paramount in what was lost at the fall, is the sense of who we are as image bearers of God (Genesis 1:26).  In fact,  the spirit of the age is the orphan spirit, the spirit of not belonging. Again,  outside of Christ we are  “without God and without hope in the world” (Ephesians 2:12). Because of this, we try to find our identity in our achievements for example,  our careers, or in what we do. But we are human beings, not human doings, and it's never enough! We can do this even after salvation. For the longest time I was a Christian workaholic, essentially trying to feel good through good works. We also try to find identity in stuff, but “one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things man possesses” (Luke 12:15). Also, when we don't know who we are, we may try and medicate our feelings of inadequacy by substance abuse,  or in other ways.

Bringing the Kingdom to earth in this area (Matthew 6:10), is primarily about reclaiming our identity as precious sons and daughters of the living God. But because of the imperfections, or worse, of our earthly fathers, many of us have a twisted picture of Father God.  We get Him confused with them. We think Jesus is okay, Holy Spirit is okay,  but you've got to watch out for Father God.  He's out to get you, just waiting for you to mess up,  so He can condemn you. Nothing could be further from the truth! Jesus said that if we want to know what the Father is like, all we have to do is to look at Him. He tells us “he who has seen Me, has seen the Father” (John 14:9).

John invites us to see “How great is the love that the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1 NIV). He also tells that as many as received Him, to those who believe in His name, to them He gave the right to become children of God,  and inheritors of the Kingdom (John 1:12; Romans 8:17;Luke 12:32).  Pertaining to judgement Paul tells us “there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ”  (Romans 8:1).

All this is intended to be a reality for us, but in order to tap into it, there's a part we need to play. In particular,  “if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father.' The Spirit himself witnesses to our spirit that we are God’s children” (Romans 8:11-16).  Abba can perhaps best translated “Papa” or “Daddy,” but it also connotes great respect and reverence. It's a radical undreamed and unheard-of intimacy with God. No other faith address God as “Abba.”

Father,  I'm Your child, Your Word tells me that I am, and I choose to believe it.  When I doubt,  I need to keep coming back to what You say in the above and other Scriptures. You're not a man that You should lie (Numbers 29:13), so I need to tell myself these truths until I fully believe them, and then tell myself them because I believe them.  Help me Lord to live out of the reality of my identity as Your precious and valued child in Jesus Name Amen

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts,

..... and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom (Psalm 51:6).

At the time of my breakdown years ago the Christian therapist I went to told me that in a dispute both sides know only about 10% of the truth. I have come to believe that, not the accuracy of the percentage, but the rough designation of the proportions. In other words neither of us know truth in the inward parts. And the problem is,   we think we do. We make categorical statements such as you did this, and the other person,  without admitting their fault says, well you did that.  

I recently heard Jordon Peterson say that we need covenant, because “You're trouble, and I'm trouble!”  Well I can see clearly enough that  you're trouble, be me? Well,  I have this tendency to minimize my own faults and to maximize yours.  Mine faults are little ones, but yours, now yours are serious. I might even need to fix you before you do any more damage to the world!

They say if you look at a quarter from across the room it looks pretty small, but if you hold it up right in front of your eye, you can't see anything else. When you are at loggerheads with someone,  have you ever tried to list their positive points?  It's really hard, especially when you are hurt or angry over what they have done, or what you think they have done (10% of the truth right?)! No but really, you know that you are right, right?  I mean I know I'm right :).

So do we need covenant? Do we need to covenant together in order, as much as is within us,  to live at peace with all (Romans 12:18)? You know clearly that I am trouble, but you know recovery is about looking at “my side of the street,”  and only when I am willing to do that,  and to ask the Lord, honestly and sincerely to search my heart and to show me any wicked way (Psalm 139:23, 24), only then do we have any chance to come together to the foot of the cross and confess our own faults, rather than the other persons. We need His truth and His mercy, I do!

Father, You tell us not to judge, but we call it discernment and a  correct diagnosis of the other person and their problem. Lord this business of confessing our faults to one another is tricky, it's not that easy. It's a process, and it likely starts the wrong way with confessing the other person's faults (i.e. accusation). But we don't call it accusation, we call it speaking the truth in love. Perhaps it is, or perhaps it's a mixture? Who can know the secrets of his heart? Give me humility Lord, and teach me truth in the inward parts,  make me to know wisdom in that hidden part of my heart.  Help me to see my part clearly Lord,  and then to make amends. Only then can I claim the promised healing (James 5:16). Thank You for brining this verse to my attention this morning Lord,  in Jesus Name Amen

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Created in the image of God I: Identity

“Let Us make mankind in Our image, according to Our likeness” (Genesis 1:26).   The Psalmist asks  “What is man that You care for Him” (Psalm 8:4, 5). It's an important modern question. Evolution claims impersonal undirected, random processes account for complexity and information in every living thing. It reduces mankind to the impersonal plus complexity (Schaeffer – 'He is there,  and He not silent'). Personhood is an illusion,  love is a biological trick to keep us reproducing, mankind has no meaning, no value, no purpose, and no destiny.  

Many finding themselves at at the top of their game,  have found it empty and meaningless. Solomon living for pleasure, had tested every delight  known to man (he had 700 wives and 300 concubines 1 Kings 11:3).  His conclusion was that everything under the sun (without God) is “Meaningless, meaningless,  utterly meaningless" (Ecclesiastes 1:2)! Paul writes that outside of salvation mankind is “without God and without hope in the world” (Ephesians 2:12).

Concerning personality and identity, knowing who we are is important.  We operate out of how we see ourselves.  Calling myself a looser, becomes self fulfilling prophecy. Concerning morality,  if you are just a random collection of cells, and there is no accountability, what does it really matter if I kill you? I am not saying an atheist cannot be moral, merely that there is no compelling  rational  for being so.

Over against all this,  rather than  mankind being the result of 'impersonal undirected, random process,” we see God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (the “us” of verse 26) conferring among themselves,  and deciding (a directed process) to create mankind in their Own image.  There is much to say about this.  But first and foremost God is love (1 John 4:16),  and we are made to love and be loved (Mark 12:30). God's love is not about the love of money,  or the lust the world calls love! God is also peace and joy.  He is longsuffering, kind, gentle, good, faithful,  slow to anger,  full of compassion, tender mercy and truth (Galatians 5:22, 23; Psalm 86:15).  And it is in this image that He created mankind, and He called it all very good (verse 31).

But something happened, and this image was marred in us. It's called the fall (Genesis 3). In Romans 3:23 we read “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”  But even though marred, we are nevertheless still bearers of God's image (Genesis 9:6). In our inherited marred state however, we are no longer fit for the perfection of paradise,  and without salvation we were,  and are cast  out (Genesis 3:23).  Left in that state, we would be without God and without hope in the world (Ephesians 2:12).  But God .....

Father, without You, life has no significance, we live, die and we are gone, and all our pursuits are ultimately meaningless,  like chasing after the wind (Ecclesiastes 1:14)!  But for God .....  My  coming into fullness of life Lord, started with Your unconditional love and acceptance in adopting me as Your beloved Child (John 10:10b; 1 John 3:1).  When  I repented and accepted the free gift of salvation believing in Your Name You qualified me to be an inheritor of the Kingdom. And You offer all this to as many as will receive you  (John 1:12; Colossians 1:12;). Thank You Lord that as we fully surrender and follow You, You progressively restore our identity as bearers of Your image from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18) in Jesus Name Amen

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Keep your heart with all diligence,

..... for out of it spring the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).   I have known for a very long time why it is necessary to keep  (guard) my heart with all diligence, because if we don't the issues of life can overwhelm us.  Most of us are much more controlled by our emotions than we might care to admit! But I had asked the Lord this morning for a Scripture and this is what He gave me.  Have you ever  had the experience feeling misunderstood,  diagnosed as the problem,  and in various ways dismissed, all without being heard?  I have found the strength of my emotional reaction depends on a number of factors including the measure of the injustice,  and the importance of relationship involved.  “Without being heard” is problematic, because it is in hearing and being heard that “iron sharpening iron takes place” (Proverbs 27:17).

I need to confess that I have been wandering in and out of victory concerting these things.  And the Lord in His love brought  this morning's verse to my attention.  I don't know about you, but for me guarding my heart with all diligence is more easily said than done! It's not that I don't know the process, and it is a process. For me it starts,  when my heart is overwhelmed, with pouring out my complaint to the Lord (Psalm 142:3, 2).  Not saying it's easy, nor that there are not times to do it otherwise, but it's always best to start by pouring it out to Him,  rather than to others.  Bitterness and resentment too easily spread like a highly infectious disease (Hebrews 12:15).

After I have poured out my complaint, I need to shut up and listen. For me this often involves going on a favourite walk with my notebook in hand,  and writing down what I hear.  Many of my blogs are birthed this way. I was also pointed to 1 Peter 1:5 which speaks of we  “who are who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”  In the end it is God who keeps my heart, nevertheless it is “through faith,” meaning that He uses my faith response.  

So how does that work?  Well it's not by obsessing on the injustice! In my faith response I need to choose again and again to believe His  many promises. You'll need to find your own! One of my favourites is that God works all things together for my good (even the injustices). And when I respond in faith He's making me more like Jesus (Romans 8:28, 29).  To avoid bitterness,  I need to take my stinking thinking captive unto obedience to Christ  (2 Corinthians 10:5).  Concerning diligence, I may need to keep doing this over and over until with His help I come into full victory. I'm designed, with the help of His grace to be an overcomer (2 Corinthians 12:9). Concerning “in the last time” I need to take the view of eternity. If it's not going to matter 50 years from now,  I will, with His help,  choose not to let it matter today!

Father, Your Grace is sufficient, it is! Thank You for Your promise of life in all its fullness when, by Your grace,  we follow through and become more than conquerors. Strangely Lord, these trials are the very things You use to lift us higher. And for this,  and many  other things,  I give You thanks and praise in Jesus Name Amen

Friday, July 9, 2021

Y-chromosomal Adam, Mitochondrial Eve

This morning we are moving towards “God created Adam....” (Genesis 1:27), but  I felt first to mention some interesting echos from science.  Y-chromosomal Adam is the name given by researchers to the man who in the male- lineage is the most recent common ancestor of all living humans. Mitochondrial Eve is the female counterpart.  Male Y-DNA is transmitted through the male,  and is the DNA used, for example,  in paternity suits to determine fatherhood.  Someone said “coincidences are little miracles for which God gets no credit.”  Whatever, I have been chronicling things in science that fit well with the Genesis record.  You can make up your own mind about these things.  I need to stress that it is “the most recent ancestor,” not necessarily the original. But what is puzzling about Y-chromosomal Adam and  Mitochondrial Eve, is that she is said to be (in terms of human lifetime) very much older him, too long for them to be mates.  

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that the only way that this could occur, is if all but one line of the males survived some sort of disaster, while at the same time a number of different female lines survived.  The Genesis flood story, documents such a disaster. In particular we read “So Noah, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives, went into the ark because of the waters of the flood” (Genesis  7:7), and the Lord shut them in (verse 16).  The flood came, “the waters increased and lifted up the ark, and it rose high above the earth,”  and “all flesh died that moved on the earth” (verses 17, 21).  

As I say, you are free to make up your mind about these things. In his book “Quarks,  Chaos and  Christianity,” physicist-turned-theologian John Polkinghorne comments  “a big fundamental question, like belief in God (or disbelief), is not settled by a single argument. It’s too complicated for that. What you would have to do is consider lots of different issues,  and see whether or not the answers one gets add up to a total picture that makes sense.” Lee Strobel (The Case for a Creator) in chronicling his own journey from atheist to believer comments “when I opened my mind to the possibility of an  explanation beyond naturalism, I found the design hypothesis most clearly accounted for the evidence of science. The ‘explanatory  power’ of the design hypothesis outstripped every other theory. ”  I would recommend the these books to anyone with an open-mind searching for God. As with these men Francis Schaeffer comments “Ultimately belief is a leap of faith, but it does not have to be blind.”  But actually, atheism is also a leap of faith, and in spite of their denials, it surely is, and to me with much less evidence!

Father, it was and is important to me to know that I have not believed cunningly devised fables (2 Peter 1:16). Though I find You only when I search for You with all my heart (Jeremiah 29:13), nevertheless the mind matters (Mark 12:30). I like to add to  Schaeffer's  words. Yes it is a leap of faith, but having taken the leap,  I was not left forever wondering if what I had believe is true. Your Spirit witnesses to my spirit that I was and am a child of God (Romans 8:16), and for this and many other things, I give You thanks and praise in Jesus Name Amen

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Inspirational genius in Genesis

The title of the book I intend will come out of these posts,  is “Treasures and Genius in Genesis.” And to me there is no greater genius than the inspiration (2 Timothy 3:16),  of the hotly disputed early chapters of Genesis. Just think about the task the Lord had to inspire something that would make sense to people literately across millennia after millennia. Initially it had to make sense to a mind set in which scientific language would be double Dutch.  But it’s not just the differences across time, it’s across geographically diverse cultures;   across the various schools of thought, be it philosophical, scientific or religious;  across the various schools of interpretation, be it literal,  allegorical etc.;  across various classifications of the literary genre of the Biblical texts, genres such as history, parable, letter etc. (I mean we understand fiction differently from history,  so genre is important).

Then there are the various emphases that we place on what  we read, emphases often informed by our own biases and needs.  And we are all biased and we all have needs (yes me too).  But in spite of this, over all this diversity, over these various schools of thought and emphases, all who are willing to study the texts all seem to be able to take something from them.

The Lord has given us two ears, but just one mouth. In spite of this we seem to find it hard to listen to one another. It seems to be a part of human nature to feel that we are right and  everybody else is wrong. It’s called pride! But when we do this,  we likely to throw out insights others have gleaned from the texts.  And we don’t know what we don’t know, and what we don’t know far exceeds what we do know.

From what I can see, we are all a mixture of truth and error,  ignorance and knowledge (yes me too). And all these things inform what we take from the texts. So it is incumbent upon us to keep an open mind, listen to others, and to chew the meat and to throw away the bones. As mentioned earlier I’m not talking here about salvation truths (see “Is all truth relative” July 3). In these posts I draw insights from many diverse schools of thought,  including young earth creationists, the day is an age creationists, also from the discovery Institute etc. The discovery Institute does not mention the Bible at all, but looks for scientific evidence of design in the created order.

The two schools of creationist mentioned above are divided over the interpretation of the Hebrew word “yom” (day).  In fact both schools claim they are taking the Hebrew word yom literally.  The one in saying yom is 24 hours,  the other the literal understanding of yom as “in my father's day.” It’s pretty clear that much current science and a 24-hour day interpretation of yom, are in conflict. But as I keep saying,  neither science nor our understanding of Scripture have arrived, and I leave the reader to wrestle (or not) with their own position. I want to point out this is not a salvation issue, and in my view should not be a cause of division (Ephesians 4:3)!  

Father, I am inspired by the genius of Your inspiration.  However there are many things we don't know, and we seem to find it difficult to admit it.  We need to listen one another, and to agree to disagree when we do,  or to disagree agreeably. Help us Lord  in Jesus Name Amen  

The first day: Then God said, “Let there be light”;

.... and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; He divided light from darkness, and called the light day, and the darkness night (Genesis 1:3-5). We quoted Hugh Ross earlier (The Genesis Question) saying “theory and observation confirm that all planets start with opaque atmospheres.  “Darkness was on the face of the deep” (verse 2) and light (created along with the heavens - verse 1) had not yet penetrate the darkness.  This understanding is consistent with verses 14 to 18 which can be understood as the sun and the moon only then becoming visible from the surface of the earth. In other words at the command “Let there be light,” the atmosphere changed from opaque (no light comes through) to translucent (allows light, but not shapes).  On this first day, however, there was now enough light to distinguish between night (darkness) and day (light verse 4)!

I am told that understanding the present atmosphere of the earth is something of a challenge.  In comparison with other solar systems, it seems that the earth should have a thicker atmosphere than Venus.  As mentioned earlier, Scientist think there was a collision  with the earth of something as large,  or larger than mars. This, they think, impacted the earth ripping away its original atmosphere and producing a thinner one, one that allowed light to penetrate to the surface for the first time (verse 3). From a study of the moon rocks,  we know the moon is younger than the earth, leading researchers to believe the moon was formed by gravity eventually pulling the debris from the collision into the ball we now see. Much of this  is collected in “The Genesis question,” by Hugh Ross, a Canadian Astrophysicist, Christian apologist, and old Earth creationist.

I believe every physical thing has a spiritual analogy. The analogy of good and evil and light and darkness is brought out in Isaiah who warns “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness (Isaiah 5:20).  Christ, the child born, the Son given of Isaiah 9:6,  came to those who walked in great spiritual darkness (verse 2).  God promises if we extend our soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul, then our light shall dawn in the darkness, and our darkness shall be as the noonday (Isaiah  58:10).  He also promises that when I sit in darkness, He will be a light to me (Mica 7:8). He leads me and guides me by the light of His Word, it is a lamp unto my feet  (Psalm 119:105).  Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12), and in His light I find light (Psalm 46:9).   C.S. Lewis wrote “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”

Lord, I once was blind, but You brought me into Your glorious light, and now I see. I knew You as a child Lord, but because I neither glorified You as God nor was thankful, my foolish heart was darkened. I suppressed the truth in unrighteousness exchanging it for a lie (Romans 1:18-21). But You used the pain of my darkness Lord,  to cause me to be become open to Your light. For that I praise and thank You. Give me grace Lord to continue to walk in the light as You are in the light (1 John 1:7) in Jesus Name Amen   

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

God created, the Spirit vibrated, the Word spoke

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light (Genesis 1:1-3).  According to the Hebrew lexicon “hovering” could also be translated shake, flutter or move.  Scientist Dr. Morris (The Genesis Record pp 56-57) writes “In modern terminology the best translation would probably be 'vibrated.' Waves are typically rapid back and forth movements that are normally produced by a wave generator of some kind. Energy cannot create itself .... If the universe is to be energized, there must be an Energizer. It is most appropriate that the first impartation of energy to the universe is describes as the 'vibrating' movement of the Spirit of God Himself” (The Genesis Record pp 56-57).  

Dan Mccollam sees the Trinity in this morning's three verses. But first, I am told that in order for matter to exist,  you need nuclear forces, gravitational forces and electromagnetic forces.  Mccollam says “The Father created all the nuclear forces from the invisible realm that would be used to make the heavens and the earth (verse 1), but their structure is still described 'without form and void' (verse 2). These atomic particles make up the nuclear forces – the physical structure of building blocks for all that would be created. God the Father makes all the atomic particles. Then God the Holy Spirit energizes created matter with vibratory motions such as gravity waves sound, light  and the other electromagnetic waves. He generates the gravitational forces that allow physical matter to hold together along with sound waves,  so that the voice of the Lord could be spoken (verse 3) over creation” (God vibrations study guide pp 21, 22). Those familiar with it,  will also see consistency with string theory!

Jesus, the third person of the Trinity,  is of course called the Word in John 1:1.  In Colossians 1:16 we read “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth.” It is not much of a stretch therefore to think of the Word (Jesus) as the one who spoke in Genesis 1:3 and following.

I don't pretend to fully understand all of this, or that these things follow from a simple unpacking of what the text   meant to the original ancient readers. Rather this mornings devotional thoughts are consistent with the text,  and are of course inspired by it.  But what is remarkable to me, is that the text allows for such echos of science in a text originally written to a totally non-scientific audience. And all this speaks to me clearly of the inspiration that Scripture claims for itself.  

Holy Spirit,  in 2 Timothy 3:16 we read that all Scripture is inspired by You.  I find the word translated 'inspired' is interesting Lord. In the Greek it is a combination two words Theos and pneustos. Theos is God, and pneustos can mean breath or,  spirit or wind. One translation has it as Scripture is God breathed, but God- Spirited also works. Holy Spirit You both inspired the Word, and You illuminate it  – teaching us all things through it (John 14:26). The Word is so rich and there is so much to know. Help us Lord to be diligent to study and rightly discern it,  so that we may be approved unto the Father  (2 Timothy 2:15) in Jesus Name Amen

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The earth was without form, and empty;

…. and darkness was on the face of the deep (Genesis 1:2).  We suggested last day, that saying God “made” the earth, sun and moon, as opposed to creating them (verses 16, 1), is fully consistent with them being formed from created matter, by natural processes. We will look at this today.  But I want to say first, notwithstanding the many disputes both in Science,  and in the way believers interpret things,  that compared with the various ancient creation myths, the Biblical account of beginnings is more than a little consistent with what Science is currently telling us about these things. Much of what I am saying here today can be found in astrophysicist Hugh Ross's well documented book “The Genesis question.”

Concerning “without form,” and natural processes, most researchers posit a series of collisions that took place after the solar system coalesced.  According to most models, more than 10 impacts with other bodies added bulk to our growing planet. The final collision, they believe, was with Theia, a rocky planetoid perhaps the size of Mars. Theia is said to have sideswiped Earth, leaving Earth mostly intact,  but destroying itself in the process. Its vaporized debris then eventually came together under gravity,  to form the  moon.

Concerning “empty,” scientists confirm that these terms describe what the early Earth was like. Some of this comes from observation of how other planets are being formed. Technological advances in the late 1970s gave astronomers their first opportunity to observe young stellar objects. More than 100 such objects have been studied,  and each one is surrounded by an extensive shell of gas and dust. Theory and observation confirm that planets start with opaque atmospheres (“darkness,” no light passes through). Thick layers of gases such as hydrogen, helium, methane and ammonia surrounds them. These clouds, combined with the dense shroud of interplanetary dust and debris, guarantees that no light or starlight can reach the surface of a young planet such as the young Earth. Scientists also confirm Earth started as a water world (“surface of the deep”), and that landmasses arose gradually as a result of volcanic activity and plate tectonics (Genesis 1:9).

So then the formless and empty condition of the young Earth as well as the initial darkness is entirely consistent with what science is currently telling us. Without light, photo synthesis could not occur the large pieces of interplanetary debris crashing into the earth’s surface at that time would generate catastrophes that nothing could survive,  making it empty of life.

Father, it seems that Science has tried hard to dismiss You, but You are not so easily dismissed. Science keeps tripping up over mystery, mystery about beginnings, mystery about black holes, and quirks and quarks etc., etc. I don't know how much You intervened in the formation of Earth, but if we are willing to put away our pride and open our eyes to see, I believe we will see signs of You everywhere. What I do know in the spiritual, is that You have not left us to struggle alone, but You are a very present help in time of need (Psalm 46:1). I also know that we do not have because we do not ask (James 4:2).  In terms of the mess we are in, Your church is in grave need of repentance Lord, the first step in claiming Your promise of a healed land (2 Chronicles 7:14). Come and fill our emptiness Lord, in Jesus Name Amen

Creation (bârâ), and natural processes

The Hebrew word bârâ (created),  is used in the Bible only in connection with the activity of God. It indicates something completely new coming into existence.  The heavens and the earth (every material thing) had a beginning, before the beginning there was nothing.  Thus “God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1),  can only mean He created all that exists out of nothing. On the other hand He “made” the sun, moon and the stars (verse 16).  Psalm 90:2 speaks of the earth being formed. What then is the difference,  between 'created' and 'made?' An illustration comes to mind. They say that Sir Christopher Wren built St. Paul's cathedral in London,  England.  But this does not mean he physically built it,  but rather that he designed, commissioned and facilitated the building of it. Likewise 'God made,' as distinct from 'God created' allows for an understanding that the particulars of the formation of the sun, moon and stars was not necessarily hands on, so to speak. In other words the text allows for an understanding that the formation of the sun,  moon and stars, involved what we would call natural processes.

The question remains “Can natural process explain matter coming into existence?”  Certainly natural processes exist, but we are asking if something coming out of nothing can be explained in terms of natural processes. To assume so seems to me,  to be an unsubstantiated quantum leap of faith. But this is what many Scientists believe.  It is in fact hidden in the presuppositions of their methodology.

But first, you may object, “What about the Big Bang?” Let's examine that.  The Big Bang hypothesis states that all current and past matter in the Universe came into existence at the same time, roughly 13.8 billion years ago. At that time, all matter was compacted into a very small ball with infinite density and intense heat called a Singularity. The Singularity, so the theory goes,  suddenly began expanding, and the universe as we know it began.”  Please note, this is a description of what is thought to have happened, not an explanation of what caused it! Nothing is said about where the very small ball of infinite density came from, nor about the cause of it suddenly beginning to expand.  When challenged about such things,  those who dismiss the possibility or an external causal agent say something like “We don't know the natural cause yet, but we are sure we will eventually!”

But we need to probe this a bit deeper,  and ask what is the basis for this assurance. In fact it ultimately comes from their presuppositions.  Naturalism for example, states that “nature is the only reality,  there is no such thing as the  supernatural, there is nothing above, beyond, or outside of nature.”  So because this is true, they say, and because there has to be an explanation, then the explanation has to be in terms of natural processes. But this is circular arguing of the type “The moon is made of green cheese, and because this is true, we will eventually discover that the moon is indeed made of green cheese!”

Father, we all have a world view,  and in the end a world view can only be held by faith. They are unprovable by the Scientific method.  So we need to ask which world view best corresponds to reality. And my thesis,  and the thesis of the book I am writing, is that the Bible World view corresponds most closely to reality.  Help us to examine this with an open mind Lord in Jesus Name Amen

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Truth: Is all truth relative?

If I had no other reason to be suspicious of the widely held saying that all truth is relative, I would have begun to suspect it when it was used only when the other person was loosing the argument. If we are to be suspicious of anything claiming to be truth,  we should also be suspicious of the “truth” that 'all truth is relative.' If somebody told me they did not think adultery was wrong, I'd likely wonder if that was because they wanted to do it. It's called rationalization, and I have to wonder if it’s a thinly vailed excuse so as not to have to deal with inconvenient truths. The other extreme of course is to see everything in terms of black and white? Situations may arise where we may need to choose the lesser of two evils, telling lies to hide Jews in Nazi Germany for example?

There are two seemingly contradictory Scriptures that are relevant here. The first talks about those who are always learning,  but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7). The second is “if anyone thinks he knows something, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know” (1 Corinthians 8:2). As in many apparent contradictions, the resolution is found in the contexts. In the first reference, Paul is talking about the things that hinder coming to a knowledge of salvation (the rationalization that comes from wanting to do what we want to do). Concerning salvation, we are intended to have assurance of the things we have believed (Hebrews 11:1). John tells us the purpose of his writing is so that we may know we have (present possession) eternal life, and that we will not come to the judgement (1 John 5:13; John 5:24).

The Corinthian reference is dealing with what the Bible calls doubtful things such as should we eat meat offered to idols, or should women wear hats in church. There is no problem to be fully persuaded about these things.  But this should not be allowed to cause disunity (Romans 14:1-8; 12:18; 1 Corinthians 11:5, 6).

If we are to study to be approved unto God (2 Timothy 2:15), we need to figure out what are the none-negotiable essentials of the faith, and what are areas on which we can agree to disagree. I have found the statements of faith of para-church organizations such as Inter-Varsity and Operation Mobilization helpful here. Their statements have been forged in the furnace of interdenominational dialogue, and represent their attempts to do exactly what I'm suggesting.  In terms of Genesis 1, this discussion today is relevant to such questions as “How are we to understand the word 'day?' It's controversial, but is an example of something I can get this wrong and still be saved! I am not saved by correct interpretation, but by grace through faith. I'm not saying truth is unimportant, but I have found shutting people out excludes me from the deep insights of others!

Father, if all truth is relative we can be sure of nothing at all, including that all truth is relative. Faith however is being certain of what we have believed in terms of salvation (Hebrews 11:1 again). So no,  not all truth is relative, but sometime the more we are convinced we know,  the less we learn.  And I've learned much from those with whom I disagree. In any case,  knowledge puffs up, but love edifies (1 Corinthians 8:1)!  Grant us humility Lord,  and wisdom and knowledge, in Jesus Name Amen

Friday, July 2, 2021

In the beginning: Science and the Bible

The Bible has outsold,  and continues to outsell every other book in existence. It is of course extremely controversial even among believers, and no more so than in the so called clash between Science and faith.  I want to start by saying that we have arrived neither in science,  nor in our understanding of the Bible.  Too many believers confuse what the Bible says, with their interpretation!  Concerning this, hermeneutics, the theory and methodology of interpretation,  is complex. Furthermore we all tend to interpret it,  and in fact life in general,  though the lens of our pre-determined world view. Very few seem to be aware of this,  including scientists.

The church is often cited as being the least progressive when it comes to accepting new ideas.  But Thomas Kuhn in his book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,”  documents how favourite and widely accepted scientific theories resist change by the Scientific community.  Furthermore, the debates are not always honest. The ancient Greeks hide the fact that the square root of two is not a rational number.  It contradicted the then current “theory of everything!”

One such revolution centred around whether the universe had a beginning (Genesis 1:1a). About a hundred years ago the steady state theory was widely accepted (Google it). It hypothesized that the universe had always existed. This eliminated the inconvenient truth of the existence of a creator to whom we are accountable. The observed redshift in the wavelength of light played a major role in the overthrow of this theory. It was widely resisted and there are still those who are hanging on.

The red shift is similar to the Doppler effect in sound. We  experienced this as the change in pitch of the siren, as an ambulance moves past you. The red shift allowed scientists to deduce that the universe is expanding. It ultimately lead to the theory of the big bang.  But please note, the theory is a description of what Scientists think happened.  An explanation as to its cause,  is completely absent from the theory.

Much of modern science either implicitly or explicitly throws out the God hypothesis. That is that God is the cause of anything is ruled out as inadmissible without evidence,  and without debate.  Most of the time it makes perfect sense. Certainly many things have natural causes, and do not require intervention by God.  However, since the beginning of the Universe must have a cause, the only alternative at that point  to the rejection of some form of god hypothesis boils down to  “In the beginning, nothing created everything that is out of nothing.”  That the true God is the God of the Bible however,  does not immediately follow!

Father, we need to acknowledge that we are all biased, that we all operate out of our understanding of reality, and that that understanding is shaped by a multitude of things. Lord if You are really there, and I believe Your are, it's something of an inconvenient truth. Furthermore, Your Word tells of this  ability we all have to rationalize what we don't want to believe (Romans 1:18). But we don't know what we don't know,  and the ratio of what we know to that of what we don't know is of the order of infinity! We do, however need to know that we have not believed cunningly devised fables. Thank You Lord that You have promised we will find You when we search with all of our hearts (Jeremiah 29:13), in Jesus Name Amen

Thursday, July 1, 2021

God created the heavens and the earth

As mentioned earlier, I came to believe the Bible because I realized more and more, that it knows me, and knows reality.  And coming to believe that the God of the Bible is the One true God (Jeremiah 10:10), comes hand in hand with that process.   The simplest answer to the fundamental philosophical question of why there is something there, is  “God created” it (Genesis 1:1). It may not be the  most intellectually satisfying answer though! For me it was that because of my pride.  I had come to believe my earlier faith was naive. But the Bible tells us that unless we have the faith of a little child we cannot enter the kingdom (Matthew 18:3).  For me it was not only my pride, but also that I wanted to do what I wanted to do.

The Bible explains this. It tells “Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (Romans 1:20). We know that  creation exists, it is real! It wasn't always there, it had a beginning! It's totally illogical to say that creation caused itself to come into being. Whatever or whoever did this is,  has power far,  far above human abilities, and it has to be a god or God, it (He) has to be divine,  and He has to have incredible power. It's obvious that we will all stand before Him one day.  Will the excuse “I thought it created itself ” hold up on that day?

You may be wondering how my child like faith morphed to thinking that that faith was naive? Romans 1 explains that too! It started when I did not give Him praise and admiration (verse 21). We praise artists and musicians and athletes for their accomplishments,  and that's right.  But what about praise and admiration for creation, and the One who created it? I also became unthankful, and dissatisfied with life. What happened next is that my foolish heart became darkened (still verse 21),  and I suppressed the truth about God because it was inconvenient (verse 18),  and I wanted to do what I wanted to do.  I didn't realize,  either that when God said “no,”  it was to protect and provide for me, and that my selfish choices had consequence. The Bible warns that we reap what we sow.  If we sow to the wind, we reap the whirlwind (Galatians 6:7).

The good news is that with God there is mercy and forgiveness (1 John 1:9). He understands that most of us need to suffer the consequences of our rebellion before we wake up to understand that He is for us,  not against us, He wants our very, very best and He  relationship with Him  (Romans 8:31, 28; John17:3).

Father, You are a good, good Father and I have need to be fathered by You, I have needed Your gentle Fatherhood. Even as a Christian I was  an orphan for very long time,  and operated dysfunctionally out of that orphan spirit. Thank You Your Spirit now testifies to my spirit that I am Your beloved child. Forgive me Lord when I  made You in the image of what I wanted You to be. You are far more wonderful than I could think or imagine,  and I ask You to continue to fascinate me with Yourself, and to draw me ever deeper into Your extravagant healing love. I give You honour glory and praise in Jesus Name Amen