Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The need to fight fair (II) God has purpose in the struggles

The struggles in the flesh that Paul mentions in Corinthians 7:28 in the context of marriage, or in fact in any significant relationship, are a crossroads. We can fight and war and, if we don’t win, give up. On the other hand, as we were discussing last day, we can allow our struggles to drive us to the foot of the cross. Many Christians know Romans 8:28, "God works all things together for good, for those of us who love Him and are called according to His purposes." This verse is not saying that evil is good, rather that God is in control, and He is actively at work for our good in any kid of difficulty, and in particular in our relationship struggles. Verse 29 tells us that part of the good is that He uses these things to make us more like Jesus, and to make us fruitful for the kingdom. I am convinced, that marriage is one of God’s primary tools to make us more like Christ, and to make us fruitful.

I am further convinced, that becoming like Christ and being fruitful are what most give us purpose and fulfilment in life. It is as I have said however, a crossroads. We get to choose. Will we choose to see things from God’s perspective, to see that the enemy want to use our difficulties in his plan to kill and to steal and to destroy (John 10:10a), in other words to sink us, our relationships and our families? Will we choose to see that the other person is not the enemy, and having made these choices, will we with His help figure out what needs to happen in order to cooperate with God in having His kingdom come, and His will to be done in our relationships. And will we do this whether our mate will journey with us, or not?

The Scriptures do not leave ignorant of how to do these things, each stage however is a battle however. The first is to believe and trust God, in particular to believe Romans 8:28. The second is the battle to cooperate with the Spirit in putting to death the deeds and the desires of the flesh (Romans 8:13; Galatians 5:24?). A third component is the battle to count it all joy in the midst of my trials, temptations and difficulties (James 1:2). In this we follow Jesus who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame (Hebrews 12:2?). I have needed to keep coming back again and again to the James passage, and like Jesus to push through the pain to the joy, to see the end from the beginning, and to stand and having done all to stand.

Father, I remember a period of years, not days or weeks or months, but years, when at times I was so overwhelmed with emotional pain, that I was driven again and again to my closet, and to stay there until You lifted me, and I could face the world again. You love us to do this Lord, You loved it when Jacob, knowing that his brother was coming against him with 400 armed men, wrestled all night with the angel. Jacob told him “I will not let you go until you bless me” (Genesis 32:26). We need your help here Lord, we need the faith to believe, we need the tenacity to not give up. We need to trust You enough to submit to the character polishing! I thank You this morning Lord, that You are faithful even when we are not, and that You have promised never to leave us nor forsake us. I have found Your promise to be true, and I give You thanks and praise again this morning Lord in Jesus Name Amen

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