Friday, August 23, 2019

There is nothing hidden which will not be revealed

The following is an observation by  author John Bradshaw “In a relationship when one is open, and the other covered, both parties finish up violating the other.” I came across this at a critical time in my journey, and it helped me to understand some things I really needed to understand in order to move forward. I knew well,  about violation from the point of view of one who is open. In particular, some of the things I had confessed to others (James 5:16), had come came back to me as judgement and condemnation. And yes I felt violated. What I didn't understand, was how it worked the other way. Suppose for example, that for whatever reason, you are covered in shame. You might tell yourself “If anyone ever found out, I would die.” And what happens then, is when someone comes to you in openness and vulnerability it feels to you almost as if as if they are exposing themselves in public. And, especially if they are close, you feel the shame you would feel were your secrets to be suddenly revealed without your permission. You would feel violated!
When Adam and Eve sinned they covered themselves with fig leaves and hid from the presence of the Lord (Genesis 3:7, 8). Slim hope they could hid from God! The fig leaves too were inadequate, but they desperately needed something to cover their guilt and shame. And when they clothed themselves with fig leaves, they were essentially trying to hide from each other, and from themselves. Last day we were talking about our attempt to hide from ourselves, suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. This morning’s verse from Mark 4:22 continues with “nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. ” It is talking about the ultimate futility of trying to hid either from God or from each other. In particular, though we may be able to delay the revelation of our secrets, they will not be hidden forever!
On top of this, we have a saying in the Christ centred twelve-step recovery group “Celebrate Recovery” that is relevant here. It is “you are only as sick as your secrets!” It seems to be true, and in particular when we are covered, we are not free. Also,  even if we can by some means delay the exposure of our secrets, if we leave it until the last day, we will have no control over how they come out. In the here and now we do! In particular, we can move towards obeying the, by now familiar, command to “Confess you faults one to another, and pray for one another that you may be healed” (James 5:16). Note that we confess to God to be forgiven, but healing only comes as we   confess to each other.  We need to start by finding a safe place, and it can be a challenge. We may need to make it a subject of prayer asking Him to help us find such a place.

Father, this is kingdom work. In fact, one picture we have of the Kingdom is Adam and Eve in the garden before the fall. They were naked and not ashamed (Genesis 2:25). This nakedness is not so much about no cloths, but rather about openness, vulnerably, love, respect, dignity and intimacy. And so Lord we pray this morning, kingdom of God come, will of God be done on earth in our relationships, as it is in heaven. And help us to have the courage to do our part, in Jesus Name Amen

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