This is not to dispute the existence of miracles, but what I’m trying to say is that an over literal interpretation of this verse can lead a person into trying to do the impossible. In particular I have heard, as an application of this verse, that through Christ I can restore any broken relationship. But this is not right. First of all, if the Lord were into restoring all broken relationships, He would have to violate many people’s self-determination. We can choose to reject Him, for example, and He will allow that! It would also violate Scripture. We are told for example, that as much as possible within us to live at peace with all. The clear implication, is that this is not always possible even with the help of Christ.
So what does it mean? The mistake that many people make, is to take a verse out of context. And the above false application of this verse, is doing just that. In the context of this verse from Philippians 4:13, Paul is saying, that he has learned in whatsoever state to be content (verse 11). He goes on to say (verse 12), that he knows how to deal with life when it is full, and he knows how to deal with life in the midst of suffering.
So what Paul is saying here, is that through Christ who helps and strengthens him, he is able to handle, and handle all that life throws at him. It’s encouraging to me, that Paul tells us that he had to learn this. You and I may not have arrived at this state yet. But as for me, with the help of Christ who strengthens me, I am learning, and I will learn to not only survive, but to thrive, and to be content, knowing that as I turn everything over to Him moment by moment, He will guide lead, and direct.
Father, the serenity prayer is so appropriate here. Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference in Jesus name amen.
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