Thursday, June 15, 2017

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search them out (Pr. 25:2).

It is the glory the privilege and the right of God to conceal what he wishes to conceal. But why would He do this? In particular why does He hide himself from us? The counsels of God are mysterious. The Scripture tells us that His ways are higher than our ways, and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts!

One aspect of this has to do with our responsibility to act on the knowledge that we have. I’m not saying that He necessarily excuses ignorance, especially willing ignorance, but it’s a relief to me to know that there are many things in my life that I am unaware of, and that need to be changed, and to know that he will deal graciously with me in these things.

Another aspect of why He conceals things, is that he actually wants us to seek and to search Him out. This is part of the great romance, as I have said in another post He hides for us, not from us.

The second line of this verse indicates that it is also the glory and the privilege the right, of kings to search out the mysteries of God. In the Old Testament the king would be the reigning monarch. In the new testament we are called kings and priests Revelation 1:6;5:10). In other words this applies to those of us who know Him, it is our glory to search for Him and for His wisdom.

God reveals to backsliding Israel in Jeremiah 29:13 that they would search for Him and find Him when they searched for Him with all of their hearts. It’s the same with us, whether we are backsliding, or living for him, there is always more. The picture in revelation of the twenty four elders constantly falling down and worshiping Him, is not a picture of boredom. But rather it is a picture of awe and wonder, as moment by moment new facets of the glory and beauty of our God are being revealed. So that they cry out over and over “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come.”

Father, Lord it is so easy for me to come to the place where I’ve heard it all before, where I think I have arrived, where I know what I believe and feel that my systematic theology has the answer to every question. But if and when I arrive at such a place, I need to be reminded of verses such as this, and to meditate on the fact that your glory is hidden for my protection but also for my provision, and that my provision, more often than not, comes in searching out your praise and your glory and your presence. Father give me a passion to know you more, increase my hunger. I need you to do this, because from the beginning to the end you are God, and whether I know it or not I have a desperate need for you. You have made me to be fulfilled only in fellowship with You. Father forgive me when I have allowed the things of earth to dim your beauty and your glory. Thank you for this verse this morning in Jesus name amen.

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