Paul describes this new type of resurrection, as our mortal body putting on immortality, corruption putting on incorruption, and death being swallowed up, overpowered if you like by the same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead into His immortal body (verse 54). And I believe this, not because it’s the most logical thing, but because I have come to trust the Book that knows me, the One who inspired it (2 Timothy 3:16), and the One with whom I have communion every day.
It is hard for me this morning, to describe the longing that I have for this body that is so, so subject to corruption, this mortal frame that is so susceptible to “every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us” (Hebrews 12:1), to describe the longing I have to be in the place where all trials and temptation end, where death has lost its sting because there will be no more death nor mourning nor crying nor pain (Revelation 21:4). Indeed, though with Paul in Him for me to live is Christ in ever growing abundance, with meaning and hope and joy, nevertheless for me to die is gain (Philippians 1:21).
Father, thank You again this morning, that with Paul I can say that I know You whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that You are able to keep that which I have committed to You against that Day (2 Timothy 1:12). And I pray this morning Lord for the revival that will bring more and more of the ones You are calling to this place and far, far beyond. I truly believe "We ain't seen nothing yet." Even so come Lord Jesus in Your Holy and Lovely and Precious Name Amen
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