Success, or bearing fruit for the Kingdom, it is very different from success in the eyes of the World. The World values beauty, intelligence, power, worldly influence, financial success, looking out for the number one and the like. And because at times, these things seem much more tangible and real, it is very easy to be seduced into valuing these things above fruit for the Kingdom.
Perhaps it is because of the recovery circles in which I move, that I am very aware of this struggle in so many of the lives of those with whom I interact. In fact, I myself had to learn the hard way, that the applause of the world and the pleasures of sin, do not bring lasting satisfaction. In particular, without a vital ongoing connection with the Author and Sustainer of the Universe I can do nothing of eternal value, nothing that truly satisfies, nothing to please Him. It was to this end however, that you and I were created.
Father, the battle is not over, the race has not yet been fully run. And so I am grateful this morning, for the promise that You who have begun a good work in me will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6). In the words of the hymn writer I am prone to wonder, but with Paul I am persuaded that You are able to keep that which I have committed unto You against that day (2 Timothy 1:12). Thank You for reminding me this morning Lord, that without You I can do nothing, but that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me in whose precious Name I pray these things Amen
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